The Time Lisanna Takes Action...

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A big shout out to
For helping me with the story, she has helped me out with some idears so far and the story wouldn't be as good without!

Wow! Thanks so much everyone for over 100 veiws! But there are only about 20 votes. I am gonna give you people a goal. The goal is for 30 likes(that is what I call them)! Please, please, pleeease! I will give you all a reward if we get 30 likes soon! Ok! Lets get on with the story!

(Lucy's pov)

Happy left, He went back home to the guild. I had heard their conversation, I hadn't been eves dropping but I had heard them. I have to admit, I laughed a bit about what Happy had been yelling but when I heard what Natsu said, I was laughing like hell! 😂 I does he not....understand that!😂😂 (imagine her saying that in between laughs)

(Lisanna's pov)
(Time skip: 1 hr)

We are at the bottom of the mountain.
Happy is gone, I don't really care. Natsu told Happy before he left that he was fine with him leaving but we could tell Natsu was very disappointed as it was the first mission he had been on with Happy there. Since Natsu was sad, I was sad. Since Natsu cares, I now care. I am gonna make him forget about Happy and Lucy. I will make him only think of me.
Him being with me.
Me being with him.
Lisanna and Natsu.

(Natsu's pov)

Happy left.
This will be the first mission I've been on without my little buddy by my side. I told him it was fine, that he could go but... it's been a hour since he has left and I already feel an empty space inside me. Inside my heart.

(Time skip a bit later)

Well... Lisanna keeps sticking by my side like glue.... all the time and it is getting a little weird...

(Lisanna's pov)

I am making Natsu fall in love with me more. I am making Lucy jealous. I am sure it is working...

As we walk to the hotel we will be staying tonight. I hugged Natsu's arm. I could tell he enjoyed it because he kept staring at me. You stare at people you love... well... you gaze at people you love so... I'm gonna go with he was gazing at me...

We got to the hotel, it was under the mountain. In Natsu's eyes, his beautiful, strong, loving... a bit distracted there... in Natsu's eyes, *pause* it was probably gonna be a underground place were people eat, sleep and drink and then pass out on the floor, just like the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. But it was actually gonna be a romantic place where there was only rooms with double beds and red rose petals carefully placed everywere, there are going to be dimmed lights and only a bedroom and a bathroom. Of course, I booked this place. I had to book two rooms, one for Lucy and one for Natsu and I. I had paid the lady at the front desk extra in advance for her to make sure all the other rooms were booked. AND to make sure that the white haired girl and the pink haired boy were in the same room. I told her that we would act like we didn't want to so we wouldn't hurt our other friends feelings.
We walked in through the doors...

Tonight will be Natsu Dragneel's best night he has ever had.......

Ok so... Lissana has a bit of a Nali plan then...

Send in your thoughts on the comments! Should Lisanna's plan work? Or... should something go wrong?? Send in your answers and something might happen...just remember... I will consider what u have 2 say...

Ok! Byyyyyes!

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