The Moment...

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Ok! Thankyou soo much for over 200 veiws! I am sooo happy!!!
Ok! I will try to update every three days! Every two days is too hard! There might be times during the week when I am bored so I might uptate even more during the week but I probably won't update during weekends!😢 I is very sorry! Ok! On with the story!!

(Lissana's pov)

It worked! Lucy is totaly shocked and jealous! I can't even begin to explain the happiness rushing through my veins!! Lucy reluctantly says goodnight and we do the same. I start to walk away towards Natsu's and my room. Before Lucy closes her door, Stinkycheesefootbob walks up to her and says something. I can't hear what she said. Lucy smiled, nodded and then said something back. I turned away again, I wasn't interested in what Stinky Woman and the Bimbo had to say to each other. I realised Natsu wasn't following me. He was walking over to Lucy. Arrrrr now I have to go back!
I see Stinky Woman give something to Bimbo.
A peice of paper I think?
Natsu ran over to them and asked if he could see it.
I was standing near them.
Stinky Woman screamed "NO!!!!"
We were all shocked.
I started walking closer so I could smack that woman's ass for screaming at my darling Natsu.

Before I could, she said:
"'s secret women's stuff.... Miss Lucy just asked if she could have something she needed."

(Lucy's pov)

"'s secret women's stuff.... Miss Lucy just asked if she could have something she needed."
"Wha... wha ...but!" I protested.
Does she mean what I think she means?!! But it wasn't ! was a piece of paper!
Stinkycheesefootbob had asked if my name was Lucy Heartfealia , I asked her how she knew. She said that as soon as she saw me, she thought I looked like a beautiful princess, she even had to rub her eyes to make sure. I had smiled and thanked her.
I didn't get a chance to see what was written on the paper before Natsu had interupted us, announcing he wanted to see it.

Stinkycheesefootbob looked very frightened that someone else might see what was written, she was standing infront of me with her arms waving about. I gently pushed her aside.

I took a step towards Natsu.
He blushed a bit.
I blushed a bit.
Lisanna did a little gasp.
I started to hand the folded up piece of paper to Natsu.
I took a step back.
He started to reach out to grab it.
I quickly yanked it back towards me.
I stuffed the folded peice of paper into my top between my breasts.
Natsu stared at where I had put the paper.
I turned around and started to walk away.
"Lushhhhhhhie!!!" He wined.
"What?" I turned around.
Natsu ran into me, causing us to bowl into my room.
Natsu got up and shut the door.
He then locked it.

I slowly got up, I turned around. Natsu was standing right in front of me.
Our faces were only centimeters apart.
He ripped off my jacket.
I blushed a dark shade of red.
"Natsu, wha... what are y... you doing?" I nervously said.
I tried to back away but his hands were on the wall next to my head, he had me pinned to the wall.
His beautiful arms lowered.
He wrapped them around me and picked me up bride style.
I looked at where we were heading.
The bed?
Oh no.
" please no."
He carefully laid me on my bed.
He sat ontop of me, his hands on my shoulders, his knees on my hands to keep me pinned.

I looked away.
He moved a hand and held my chin.
He bent his face closer to mine.
My face was burning.
I heard Lisanna screaming my name over and over.

"Please Natsu, I don't want to do this."
Natsu's hand left my chin and quickly raced to my breasts.
"Natsu! Wha...what are you doing?!"
His hand was inside my blue love heart crop top shirt.
"S...stop it!"
His hand was wiggling around between my breasts, making them wobble around.
It felt like he was searching for something.
"Miss Lucy?! What's happening?! Are you alright?! I sent Miss Lissana to call the security guards. It will take about 10 minutes. Can you hang on?!"
"Ye..yes." I said weakly.
That was when I noticed, Natsu's face was really red, as red as mine.
"Natsu. Please stop."
I felt Natsu's hand grab something.
What was it?
"Ah got it." He said.
His hand was now out of my top.
He smiled.
He was holding something.
A piece of paper?
My eyes were too blurred from tears for me to be able to tell properly.
Natsu looked into my eyes
He noticed I was crying.

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