The Mountain...

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Ok! Well.... after the last chapter, you might think Natsu is a real perv but... he isn't. He didn't realise what he was doing...really... He didn't realise that was wrong so.... yeah...

Hello people! Well.... bye for now! On with the chapter!!

(Lucy's pov)

"We must halfway by now!" I complained.
"I don't know what cha complaing about Luce."
"Ahh I have to agree ee with Lucy there, It is free ee ee eeezing cold. Lisanna said inbetween shivers."
"I don't think so, It's actualy warm." Natsu said in a confused tone.

"Oh... I ... I j just remembered! I have a celestial key that c...could work!
"Gate of the Clock, I open thee! Horologium!" I yelled.
'Ding dong!'

Suddenly there was a puff of smoke and Horologium appeared.
"Princess Lucy, how may I be of service?"
I looked at Lisanna and she was going blue and purple. Her feet were nearly frozen to the ground. Her hair had a lump of snow on top.
"Please keep Lisanna safe" I sighed.
"But what about you Princess Lucy?"
"I'll be fine! Just look after Lisanna!"
"Yes Princess."
Suddenly, Lisanna was inside Horologium.
"Lisanna says thanks."

"HEY LUCE! Your skin is turning pink and purple! Your lips are really blue!
You're shivering like crazy!
What's happening to you?!
"I... I'm f...fine th...thanks Na..tsu."
"YOU ARE NOT! Your gonna freeze to death!"

Natsu walked over to me.
He wrapped his right arm around my shoulders.
He used his left hand to warm my freezing cold hands.
"Wha... what are do..doing?!"
The wind stops blowing for a second.
"I'm warming you up idiot" he whispered.
The wind continues to blow furiously.
He blushed and looked away.
I blushed and looked away.

"Tha...thanks Na...Natsu."
We turned around to face eachother.
"No problem... wow you really were cold weren't you!"
"Ye...yeah I guess but I feel a lot warmer." I sighed happily.
He chuckled.
I giggled.

(Natsu's pov)

I was about to ask Happy if he could fly up high and see if he could see the flower thing from up high.
But then... I remembered... my little buddy's gone back to the guild...

Lucy was leaning her head on my chest as we stomped up the hill.
But then, Lucy tripped and face planted into the snow.
"Ahhahahahahahahaha! Luce, that  was so funny!"
I grab her arm and help her get up.
"NO IT WASN'T! I think I broke my nose! AND I'm freezing cold again!" She pouted.

I grin at her.
Her nose is pink.
Her face has bits of snow on it.
She looks so cute!
Hang on... cute?
Wha.. why... why would I think she looks cute? I must've not been thinking straight...

"Lucy, are you ok? Miss Lisanna asks."
"Y...yeah... I g...guess"
"Ahh come here, you're freezing cold again!"
I wrapped an arm around her again.
I used the hand on my other arm to grab both of her hands.
"Hey Lisanna, you doin ok in there?"

(Lisanna's pov)

They... they are cuddling! I should be there with Natsu instead of Lucy and this clock dude is really slow!

Lucy falls over.
Natsu helps her up.
They then continue cuddling.

(Natsu's pov)

"Luce... I gotta tell you somethin."
"Yeah... what is Natsu?"
"I.... I lo-"

XD am I mean or what?!
I am leaving you on this cliffhanger for now!  ■♢■

I am evil but I still love you all! Will you all forgive me? ♡


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