The Butt Squeeze...

638 17 85

Thankyou soooooooo very much to every single one of you who have read this story so far! I love you all so much!

*gives out hugs --^-^-- *
*gives out candy ♧♢♡♤■□●○• *
(yes, that is candy)
*gives out stuff!?*
*gives another kinda random chapter!*

(Lucy's pov)

His face is back where it had started.

1. I am underneath him, he is on top of me and Lisanna is on top of him.

2. I actually have clothes on...
Even though I don't have my underwear and bra on because Natsu burnt them and, along with the rest of my once stunning outfit, they no longer exist, I still have SOME cloths on...

"Lisanna! Are you ok?!" I ask, hoping she can get up soon because they are both on top of me and Natsu's face is squished in between my breasts!

"Awwwh yeah." She sounds like she's consentrating on something else...

Natsu tries to lift up his face,
He's successful for about three seconds.
Then his face smacked back on to my breasts...
I saw Lisanna's face pop into veiw,
she looked curious, then sad, then really pissed and evil.
Then her face disappeared back out of my view behind Natsu again...

I look back at Natsu, I can see his eyes.
He is looking at me...
At my face...

Suddenly, his eyes widened really big.
He looks like he is trying to turn around...
Oh no! Maybe Lisanna collapsed!
He is really struggling...
Something must have happened!
Something bad!
Arrrrr!!! I.... Can't see.

Then Natsu started wriggling around.
"N...Natsu! Stop it!"
"Looshieee! Hrrrp!"
"Lishanna ish shqeeshing mmmiie butt!!"
"Hrrrrlp?... oh... do you mean help?"
I wispered.
(Lucy is whispering for the rest of this paragraph...)
"Help with what?"
"Lishhanna.... Lishanna... Lisanna!"
He nodded.
"What about her? Say one word at a time."
He looked really frustrated
"Ish..... is?"
He nodded again
"Shqeeshing? What the hell is THAT S'POST TO MEAN?!"
"Shqiishing?... squishing?!"
"Ok what next?"
"Mi.... my?"
He nodded.
He nodded with pleading eyes.
"Help. Lisanna. Is. Squishing. My. Butt... HANG ON....AY?!"


Huh?! Wht the hell?! What is he talking about?!

(Lisanna's pov)

Whaaaat?! You can't blame me! It was Natsu's butt! Natsu's butt is irresistable! You can even ask the Natsu Fan Club! I had to! Anyway, it's not like I'm kissing him like that  Bimbo Lucy did!

Hey! And you know what! There is this group of people, (mostly Nalu fangirls) who are trying to kill me! They even thought I was dead! Pff!!


But she ate my ear..... (😂)

Yes.... yes I do know that was.... really short... and I am very sorry!

You might be wondering: what the hell is wrong with this girl!

You might also be thinking: what the hell was with Lisanna's pov?!
Well.... I'm gonna tell you...

So I commented on a story called:
Wrong number (a nalu fanfict)
I commented on the 6th chapter basically saying:
Who wants to join my Lets Murder Lisanna Team?!
I got a whole lot of answers/ comments on that one comment...
At the moment, it has reached over 535 comments!

I relly recommend you read it and join in because it is really funny and we have a whole lot of fun!

@anime-lover7  (the second in command) has also made/ is in the prosses of making (cause she's still writing it) a story of our conversation in it!
It is called: Let's Murder Lisanna Team
I really recommend it!!

Ok! Byessss love you all!!!

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