The Hotel...

603 22 68

Ok so...ummm well...I don't really have any announcements so... please enjoy the story and please tell me if I made any spelling mistakes!

(Lucy's pov)

We walked into the hotel, I looked around. Natsu and I were expecting a place where people ate all they could eat, drank all they could drink, pass out on the sticky ground, sleep all they can sleep, wake up in the afternoon and then repeat. But this place was a sophisticated looking place. There was a professional kitchen, no bar, no people who passed out on the beautiful clean carpeted ground. I was surprised Lisanna could afford three rooms in this place.

(Times skip: at the front counter)

"Excuse me? How may I help you?" Said the beautiful lady at the front counter.
"Oh, my name is Lisanna Strauss, (is that how you spell it??) I have placed a booking for three rooms." Lisanna said as Natsu and I gazed at the magnificent hotel.

The woman typed something on the computer, looked at Lisanna and I thought I saw her wink at her but she must have had something in her eye cause she looked over at us, saw me looking at her, looked kinda supprised and rapidly rubbed her eye. Lisanna walked back to us, glanced at Natsu then came and stood next to me while the woman typed something on the computer again.

(Lisanna's pov)

Ha! My plan is working! Ha ha! Lucy will pay for what she did! Ha ha ha! Natsu will love me more than ever! Ha ha ha ha! He will never fall in love with Lucy! Ha ha ha ha ha! He will forget about Lucy! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! No... he will hate lucy! Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha! He will kick her out of the guild! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*cough cough cough*
*creepy perverted smile....*

(Lucy's pov)

When I looked over at Lisanna, she was smiling a creepy, perverted looking smile...I wonder why... but about 5 secconds after, it was gone....

The weird thing is: this place looks like a romantic hotlel where couples of those popular places where there is an over 100 people waiting list...why would Lisanna book us for one of these places? Mabye it was the closest to were the mountain was...

The woman got up, she walked over to us.
She gave me a key, on the key was the numbers 6258. (does anyone know the significance to those numbers?😄)

"What's this? Is this the number of my room?"
"Yes, it is Miss...." she trailed off.
"Lucy." I smiled.
"Oh that is a beautiful name Miss Lucy!"
Then she walked over to Natsu.
"And here is your key..."
"Here is your's Mr Natsu."
"Natsu is fine. What's your name?" He smiled.
"Stinkycheesefootbob." She answered.

Natsu's key had the Numbers 6254 (if you figured out the first one then you sadly know the meaning of this one😧)

"Ok! Will lead you to your rooms now?"
"Yes please, only if that isn't too much trouble though."
We walked through the elavator's open doors.
Once we got to my room, we stopped. Lisanna walked towards me and slowly opened the doors.
I looked in, it was beautiful!
It was only then that I realised, Lissana hadn't been given her room key.
"Excuse me?"
"Yes miss Lucy?"
"Well I just realised, Lisanna hasn't been given her room key yet."
"I am staying with you aren't you?"
"Oh....I didn't know..." I answered.
"Well...actually, it is compulsory for there to be two people of the opposite gender in one room."
"So... Lucy's a dude now?" Natsu asked grinning."
"NO YOU ASS HOLE!" I shouted...

"Wait.. does that mean...Natsu and Lisanna are sharing a room?!"

(Natsu' pov)

"Huh? Were....sleeping in the same room?! In...the same bed?!"
I'm used to sleeping in the same bed as Lucy...but not Lisanna.
"oh no.Well... if it is the only option...then I guess we HAVE to do it Natsu..." Lisanna said.
"Ahhh....umm...errr.... hey, Stinkycheesefootbob, can I sleep with Lucy instead, I usualy sleep with her anyway?...
"YOU WHAT?!" Lizanna screamed.

I am super sorry this story is late but I recently had all my assignments just all come at once! Today is the last day of school and then I will have a 2 week holiday! That means extra chapters!
Hope you enjoyed!

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