the rescue

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Tavions pov

I woke up in a dark basement tied to a pole, I heard people talking but couldn't pin point where it was coming from. I have a major head ache now from getting hit in my head... I just don't know what the fuck is going on! Or why exactly am I chained to a fucking pole, but I know it have some shit to do with this mother fucking gang. If they did all this bullshit just to get some bullshit ass dope and crack imma kill something ! If I make it out this bitch alive.. so glad mama Gloria told me keep my glock on me at all times, they didn't even check me either dumb bitches! Its right in my boot..

I heard the door jingle so I put my head down, and continued to act like I was knocked out. When the man opened the door, the light shined so bright it forced me to open up my eyes and when I did I could not believe. Who I was looking at...

It was the family lawyer, the one who gave us out rings I cannot fucking believe this bullshit. He spoke " surprise isn't it? You would never think the best friend of the creator of the gang would betray you right? But your wrong !! I was supposed to run the gang this was my life i put my time and effort in this and I'm tossed to the side and forgotten after everything i been through to keep this gang together! "

I look at him he has so much anger and fury in his eyes, i swallow my own spit scared i would say the wrong thing. I want to make it out of this shit alive i don't even think Caleb would even consider him being an enemy to the gang because of him being so close to the main branch of the family. I can even think of words to say.. So i stared and looked at him but that just made him livid !

" you and Caleb faggy asses could never be me or could run shit like me ! What made Gloria think some lil punk ass sissy could do a mans job " he screamed !

That did something to me !! " faggy ? You are a sorry excuse of a man crying over shit that cant be changed !! I didn't ask for this lifestyle .. I didn't even want anything to do with it if it wasn't for Caleb i wouldn't even have a part in it.. Look at you its a reason you couldn't take over the gang you don't have the brains and you cant even think clearly because your so angry you haven't even noticed yet ..!

He looked at me confused . " noticed what yet ?" he looked down and saw that my hands are loose and my baby in my hand, i didn't waste anytime i shit his ass right in the leg. He felt to the floor with a yell ! I picked him up and put the gun to his head...

His 2 men starts running down the steps and stood there shocked at the scene.

I looked them both in the eyes and said " if you make a sudden move i will blow his fucking brains out !" they was scared i could tell they looked at their boss for confirmation he shook his head yes !

I start to move towards the steps with the boss he yells in pain, i hit him in back of the head with the gun "keep moving " i told them they did what they were told ! We walk up the steps through the house and out the door i don't know where i was going but i had to get the fuck out of that house.. As we get get out of the front door i noticed how secluded the area was, i don't even know where the fuck we are ! As we move down the steps a couple of black vans pulled up fast, men with black masks and guns hop out. I point my gun towards them , but i then i see Caleb with a brief case and a book bag! I'm to angry to be exited that he did come and was going to try to save me .. I was livid so i kicked the lawyer in the back of the knee which caused him to drop, i put the gun to his head and blew his fucking brains out ! Blood splatter on my face i quickly wiped it off .. I was so mad that i look towards the men who worked for him and was about to shoot. .

But the gun was grabbed out of my hand before i could blast these bitches ! I looked up to see Caleb's face in pure utter shocked probably not understanding why i just shot the man .. But that didnt matter they were going to try to kill me and i cant let them get away !

I tried to get out of Caleb's grip but he was so strong i continued to struggle but it was useless i only tired my self out.. I was out if breathe i ended up passing out...

Hey you guys it been a while but I'm back i updated this on my phone and its unedited so just disregard any mistake ...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter ! I would love some feedback from the people who read this story ..

Tavion has changed 😕 i dont know if its for the good or the better . tell me what you guys are thinking .

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