Chapter 10- Family is Worth Everything

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I go inside after Kevin and we all look around, sort of unsure. I mean, we just found all of our parents in the same house. It's kind of surprising.

"I don't understand. How are you here? I saw you die right in front of me. He shot you in the head." Kirstie is saying to her mother, tears coming to her hazel green eyes. Her mother pulls her to the side and the two end up hugging it out a minute or so later. Kevin and I stand next to each other as Scott is enveloped in a huge hug by his parents, while the same thing is happening to Mitch.

"Kev, where are our parents?" I say quietly and he shrugs, the hurt in his eyes very evident.

"Maybe they just aren't here. Maybe something happened to them. I mean, we were gone for twelve years, Avi. Maybe they aren't here." Kevin says quietly back and my whole world comes crashing down at that thought.

I just found out that I have a sister, and that I have parents, and they aren't here. The people I wanted to see so desperately, are not here. They are just gone.

Kevin and I stand at the back of the room, before Kirstie and her mother rejoin us, Kirstie's eyes filled with tears. I give her a quick hug, and she hugs me back.

"Um, Angelica, if you don't mind me asking, is my sister ok? Esther?" I ask nervously, and Angelica looks at me with a wide smile.

"Oh yes! Of course! Esther would be your sister. She's fine, dear. She's been gone for a long time, trying to find you. Why, we'll have to let her know that you've been found again." Angelica says and Kirstie smiles brightly, and I set my eyes determinedly.

"Where is she? I have to see her." I say and Angelica looks at me sadly.

"I don't know. None of us know. Esther disappeared without a trace. We believe she's heading some private organization, and we do know that she is hellbent on finding you guys." Angelica says and I go outside, walking down the porch steps quickly.

"Avi! Avi, wait!" I hear someone yell, and I stop and turn around to see Kirstie and Kevin running after me.

"Avi, you can't just go running off like that. Especially alone. What if Sterlingson finds you? We'd have no way of knowing!" Kevin says, a bit angry, and I look at them.

"Look, I have to find her. I have to find Esther. She might be all of the family I have left, and I'm desperate. She's probably in this city. Just go back into that house. Let me go." I say and Scott and Mitch come out of the house, and come to us.

"What's going on?" Scott asks and Kevin sighs, not really looking at me anymore.

"Avi's trying to go out on his own, in a town we don't know, to find Esther. We're trying to talk some sense into him." Kevin says and Kirstie looks at me, and she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Avi, we'll find Esther. But don't go alone. Let's all go. If we all go, then we have a better chance of finding her. All five of us." She says and I look at her.

"Listen, this is something that concerns all of us. Avi, we are family. So, we'll all go. Scott and I already told the parents that this was probably what was going to happen, and they said it's ok. They're just glad to know that we're alive. That we're ok." Mitch says and I look at all four of them.

"Ok. Fine. Let's go then." I say and the five of us walk down the sidewalk, and Kirstie smiles at me, and I smile halfway back.

We get into the middle of the town when screams erupt down the street. We all freeze and look towards them, and horror fills all of our eyes. Sterlingson is running down the middle of the road followed by what looks like an entire army.

"Go! Into the alleyway!" Scott shouts and practically pushes all of us into the alley. Just as Sterlingson goes by.

"Scott, what do we do? How do we handle this?" Mitch asks worriedly, and we all kind of look to Scott. It's weird; in a way, we've nominated him our leader.

"Uh, let's try and get back to the house without him seeing us. Or... This is crazy, but we could try fighting him." Scott says and we all look at him, mouths gaping open.

"Are you insane?! Fight him? Scott, we don't even know how to use our powers to the best of our ability. We can't take that right now." Kevin says and Kirstie and Mitch agree.

"Let's just get back to house. Get your families out of here. Because he'll go for them to get to us. It's classic evil villain." I say and Scott nods, and we run through the alley and hop the fence, and we start running through some trees.

We run as fast as we can, and it's all Mitch can do to not use his super speed. He loves to go fast, that one. But we have to seem just like normal citizens. Which is ridiculously hard.

"Guys! Guys, stop!" Kevin shouts and we all come to halt, before we look at where he is pointing.

The house is in flames. Like, completely eaten up by fire. I look at the people who are my family, and the heartbreak in their eyes is too much.

Then, Mitch is off. He is using his speed and going straight for the house.

"MITCH!" Scott shouts and he starts to go after his best friend, before Kirstie grabs him by the arm.

"No! Scott, you can't. You'll get caught by him if you go. Mitch is moving too fast to be caught. If anyone is inside of the house, he will get them out. He will." Kirstie says and Scott whips his arm free.

"We should never have come to find them. It was a mistake. We should have waited until it was safe." Scott says, his eyes showing his anger and regret. The three of us just kinda stare at him, shocked.

"Scott, family means everything. If you truly love someone, then you have to give everything you have to keep them safe. It may not have been the best idea to do this, but you found your parents. They are your family, and we all know that family means a lot to all of us. Don't regret this choice we all made." I say, and he looks down.

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right." Scott says quietly and Kevin looks back at the house, worried.

Suddenly, a soot-covered Mitch appears, breathless. Scott places a hand on his shoulder and Kirstie looks worriedly at him.

"No one was there. The place was empty." He says, catching his breath. We all look at each other, highly confused.

"If they aren't there... Then where are they?" Kirstie asks quietly and no one answers. Because none of us know.

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