1. No Freshman

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"Who the hell is this kid?" Isaac points an accusatory finger at the small boy in the Stilinski doorway holding an old fashioned camera. Isaac Lahey was never one for subtlety. If something was out of line even by a hair he would shout it out to the world. "We aren't gonna have freshmen at this party. If you want Lydia to show up Timmy Turner, over here, has to leave."

"Timmy Turner's name is Liam. He's just going to be documenting history." Scott ensures. Scott McCall was the easiest to talk to and the kindest of their small trio. He was the one that invited Liam to follow the boys around all night to document what he called "the party soon to be known all the way over in Europe".
"Europe will be so devastated they didn't live in America." The dark haired boy would say to which Stiles would point out how the sentence didn't make sense.

"We don't even know if she's coming." Stiles fidgets with his fingers from where he sat on the kitchen countertop. It was nervous habit. Stiles Stilinski, the final member of them all and the only one even remotely nervous about the party despite the fact he was throwing it. "Come on guys. The whole school? Can't we just do like twenty, twenty-five people?" Stiles attempts to bargain but neither Scott nor Isaac was buying it.

"Just imagine," Isaac grips the nervous boys shoulder and spreads a hand across the air "in approximatelyyyyyy," he draws out, glancing at the watch on his wrist "sixteen minutes, Lydia Martin will be click-clacking her ass around your house in those goddamn heels she never takes off."
It was a convincing image. Isaac had a habit of describing girls in a profound way.

Instead of saying "yeah, she has nice curves" (which was still a little...eh), Isaac would shout: "her tits are huge and I'd love to smack dat ass". Not exactly a gentleman and not exactly one to get laid often.
"Fine." Stiles caves causing the other two boys to high five. "But I only wanna know who's gonna pay for the beer...and the dj...."
Isaac practically spits out his soda from excitement, digging out his wallet and throwing it at the boys.

Fake ID. Only Isaac.

"Harold McFerald?" Scott laughs. They would surely get caught! But Isaac didn't understand his friends laughter.
"It rhymes, we aren't even gonna get ten feet within the liquor store!" Stiles snorts. Isaac grumbles and mutters profanities under his breath, harshly snatching his wallet from the boys before making an angry exit.

An hour later, the curly haired boy returns with three cases of beer from one store, another seven from Walmart and a total of eighteen potent liquors from various gas stations. Feeling proud, he then throws up five packs of cigs on one of the cases as if to prove he'd won. With a groan and a few hasty apologies, Stiles and Scott both grab two cases of beer each and head out to the backyard.

They'd bought one of those lame plastic kiddy pools (Ya know the ones your mom has embarrassing naked photos of you playing in?) and filled it to the brim with ice. And boom! No more destroying the fridges or having twelve million coolers. Insta-ice.
"So when are people showing up?" SHIT THEY HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT LIAM. All three boys let out various noises of surprise until noting that it was only the freshman.

"Don't worry about it, little slugger." Isaac Scruffs the boys hair with a taunting smile. It's only a matter of seconds for Liam to drop the camera in his hand and tackle Isaac to the ground unexpectedly. He had a few...anger problems. The boy yells a line of curse words towards Isaac so profound it would've made a sailor blush. Scott quickly pulls Liam off of his friend with calming words and Isaac laughs.
"He can be security!"

With a few more beer trips, the house was ready. Scott was already getting himself something to drink, Isaac overflowing with excitement and Stiles....well Stiles was a little different.

"Just keep everyone off of the couch."
"Is there anyway we can make sure no one throws anything."
"Yeah but like how drunk are they allowed to get?"

Isaac would roll his eyes and slap the boy upside his brown locks with a disapproving explanation that he had "PDD."
Stiles furrows his brows. "What's PDD?"
"Parental Dissociative Disorder." Isaac would cackle and this time it was Stiles' turn to roll his eyes. The boy then began to look around nervously.
"Shouldn't people be showing up by now?" He asks.

Isaac and Scott exchange a look.
"No one worth while ever shows up on time." Scott says. Jesus Stiles was an amateur.
"Game plan. Throw a kick ass party and have Lydia Martin fall in love with you." Isaac high fives Scott but Stiles furrows his brows.
"I'm pretty sure that's not how it works..."
"And I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it works."

Authors note:
Short first chapter but it was basically a before the party thing and blah blah blah. And this was kinda a very sucky first chapter but I guess I tried?
Comment, read, enjoy!

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