4. The Tie

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"And you call it what?" Stiles had drank three coffees by now, anything to try and distract himself. Because first of all, he was sitting here (in public) with the love of his life and second of all–
"Project Stilinski." She speaks with pride. He sighs and drops his head to the table, banging it against the surface a few times before looking back to the girl. "You okay?" She chuckles.
"Yeah it's just y-you're here with me and you're telling me about this plan you have to make me popular or whatever and it's really hard to say no to a face like that." He gestures to her features.

She laughs. "What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing, nothing at all but shit, Lyds, you're drop dead gorgeous!" A blush crawls across his cheeks as she begins to laugh harder, a cute little laugh you would expect to come out of a fluffy bunny. If bunnies laughed.
"You haven't called me Lyds since elementary school." She manages as she begins to calm down. At this, he was surely red.
And he lets out a chuckle himself. "I can't believe you remember that..."
She shrugs, starting to gather her things. "So you in?"

He takes a moment to consider the pros and cons.
•bonding with Lydia
•spending everyday with Lydia
•having Lydia talk to you on a daily basis

•what the hell would she even do to make him popular?
•honestly he was a hopeless case

Obviously the pros outweighed the cons.
"What do we do first?" He sighs and Lydia stands proudly. Getting the memo to follow her, Stiles stood as well and trailed after her as she walked to the door.
"We're going to the mall and you'll get your balls waxed." She says without hesitation as they exit the diner.
"N-" he gave her a bewildered look. "No! I am not getting my balls waxed!"
She cackles. "Kidding! But we are going to the mall. And considering I walked here, we'll be taking your car. Where'd you park?" She looks over the the vehicles on the curb and out towards the parking lot.

Oh boy... Stiles taps her shoulder and points to his jeep curbside. She visibly slouches. "Oh."
"You aren't going to make me look like a douche, right?" Stiles questions the racks of clothing she was flipping through. She paused briefly to look back at him with a glare before continuing.

She said that someone who could throw a kickass party should look and act like someone who does it all the time. That's the only reason she's doing this whole project Stilinski. He had to remind himself of that often. He had to keep in mind that yes, this was partially by choice but no, they weren't actually friends and no, they would never be more than that if that at all.
"Take this." She shoves an outfit in his hands, "and this and go to the back to try them on." He rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath on the way to the changing rooms. He knew he could quit anytime he wanted, he didn't have to listen to her. Hell, why did he even agree?

"Not like you've had a crush on her since the third freaking grade." He mumbles while pulling on some slacks. "Not like the whole reason you're doing this is 'cause you've never actually continued a non-stuttering conversation with the Lydia Martin who gave you her number without a second thought and joked about waxing your balls and–GODDAMMIT!" The boy was so tall and tree-like he ended up bumping into one of the walls roughly before nicking his elbow on a clothing hook.
"You okay in there?" Lydia calls from outside and Stiles exhales sharply.
"Fine." He groans, attempting once more to put on his tie. A tie? Really Lydia?

"Let me in..." Lydia's heels could be seen under door and he sighs, unlocking the door while still struggling to do his damn tie. She chuckles but he gives her a serious look that quickly makes her smile fade slightly. She swats away his hands and begins to redo the fabric around his neck and he sighs again.
"Wh-what am I doing, Lyds? This is not me, this-this is so overtop and it's just too much and–"
"Calm down." She chuckles, straightening the tie a bit before turning him around to look in the mirror. "I needed a date for a dinner party tonight, you agreed. Plus you look very nice in a pair of slacks. I'd totally bang you."

He swallows harshly at the last comment.
"Why didn't you just take Jackson or Ethan?" He asks, loosening his collar a bit.
"A, it's Aiden. Ethan's the gay one and B, Jackson and I are no longer an item nor will we ever be again." She brushes a piece of fluff off of his shoulder. He wanted to ask why but something about her expression told him he shouldn't. So he didn't. Stiles didn't know what the dinner party was for or if he would actually stay for dinner or if he'd just be making a guest appearance. What the hell was the game plan? Surely she had a game plan.

"Change back, I'll be paying." She leaves, her hair bouncing as she struts out of the dressing room. And he tried to ignore it, but he was so hopelessly in love with the girl.
Authors note:

Me Rn:

Justin Bieber's remix of one dance literally slays my existence.
Comment, read, enjoy!


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