Work Victoria ^

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Stepping out into the broad Charming heat  Victoria's mood was starting to falter

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Stepping out into the broad Charming heat Victoria's mood was starting to falter. The stone cold glares she got from the other women were not helping in the slightest. Growling in anger she flipped down her shades and dragged her work case behind her. Victoria trudged through the parking lot of CaraCara with her head held high. CaraCara is a porn studio pretty well known in these parts, the studio witch Luann runs with her husband Otto occasionally having Victoria work there to apply makeup, or special effects. Personally she loathes the place, but Luann and Otto are like family to her. There is nothing she wont do for family, but she drew the line at starring in one of their movies, that completely repulsed her.

Once Victoria opened the door she was greeted with the stench of cheep perfume and sex filling the air, making her nose scrunch in distaste. Honestly nothing new for this place. After navigating through the warehouse she finally found Luann near stage three, The prison stage. There she had a mirror and desk set up for all of Victoria's equipment. Without hesitation she set up and got to work.

Half way through filming there was a group of men clad in dark leather vest and tattoos flooding the place. Hitting on girls, messing around, and enjoying the show. One had the nerve to come over and grab Victoria's ass, causing her to see red. She whipped around and snatched up his collar, forcing the switchblade from her pocket to his neck in the blink of an eye. Getting a good look at him she could make out, dark curly hair, dull blue eyes, and a creepy mustache to match his creepy smile,the over all outcome being he was asshole in her opinion. His disgusting smirk taunted her making her anger skyrocket.

Victoria Pressed the blade a bit harder into his skin causing blood to dribble down, as she let out a deep growl. "I will skin you."

He just chuckled and put his hands up in mock surrender as the room grew silent as all eyes were on the two. Her grip tighten as she shook, she never had good control over her anger and she was beyond pissed at the moment. Victoria raised her head before jerking him froward butting heads, while he was stunned she threw him to the ground and placed a boot roughly on his chest, adding pressure. He looked up stunned as Luann and a blonde male came running up to her.

"Victoria, sweetheart that's enough." Luann cooed softly trying to ease the girl off.

Taking a deep breath she slowly stood backing away to stand next to Luann, still shaking in anger. The blonde male made his way over the his friend reaching out and heaving him up to his feet.

"Tig, you okay brotha?" He asked clasping 'Tig' on the shoulder.

"Yeah, broad went Crazy on me." He chuckled winking towards Victoria.

With out much thought Victoria Lunged his way making him jump back in surprise until he realized she didn't move, causing Victoria to grin darkly. That caused the blonde and his buddies to have a good laugh at there friends expense. He strutted over to her with his hand reached out and a broad smile on his face.

"Hi Darlin' im Jax." Clasping hands with him she offered a small smile." Victoria."

"That's some number you did on my friend there, mind if I ask why?"

That question alone caused her to chuckle." Next time teach your pet to keep his mangy paws off of other peoples goods. in not one of the whores that work here." She winked and walked off, not without stopping quickly and placing a kiss on Luann's cheek and saying her good bye.

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