It's A Classic!

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   Leaving her case behind to grab latter, Victoria stormed out into the parking lot quickly lighting a cigarette. There leaning against her car was more of Jax's crew, feeding her rage. Their asses pressed up against its lovely blue paint job. You can fuck with her but hell better freeze over before you even think about fucking withe her blue beauty, that shit stain of a porn star Ima had to find out the hard way.

  "Come on you guy's its a fucking classic show respect." She yelled walking up and biting the end of her cigarette trying to keep from clenching her teeth to harshly.

  The three of them quickly sat up and whipped their heads her way, faster than lightening. The bald ones face darkened into a glare, while the others had surprised looks. Not really in the mood Victoria still approached them. From working with the porn stars, to that ass wipe Tig, and now ass prints against her car, needlessness to say Victoria's patients were running rather thin to begin with.

"Watch who you are talking to girl." The bald one growled stepping up trying to intimidate the her.  

  Victoria simply rolled her eyes and went to open the cars door. Before she could get such a simple task done her arm was snatched back as she was roughly spun to face him. His face growing red with anger of his own. Victoria's expression still hadn't changed, the look of annoyance plain as day etched into her face, waiting to see how the moment would play out..

"Look at me when i'm talking to you." He yelled again leaning down to get into her face.  

  The friend with thick black hair and goatee tried to intervene. "Happy, Brotha Let the lass go."

Having enough Victoria snatched her arm away from his grip roughly, glaring at the 'Happy' guy. "Look I've been dealing  with Luann's sluts all day, then you lot come in with that pig which I had to knock the shit out of, and now all i want is to go home. Now if you fellas would kindly leave me the fuck alone! That would be lovely." Victoria ranted climbing in her car slamming her door and speeding off slinging gravel for dramatic effect on her way out.

  Sure on the outside, Victoria is made out to be a badass who really couldn't give two shits about anyone, when in reality she is just misunderstood and strong spirited. Once she steps foot into her house Victoria becomes a motherly figure and home maker trying to keep food on the table and a roof over her family's head. With two younger brothers to take care of and being the sole supporter of money, she has her work cut out for her. Everything she does is solely for those two, Wiley and Garrett are her life. If it wasn't for Otto and Luann the two of them would probably be in foster care, that thought broke her.

  After spending years in the system herself it was a blessing that Otto and Luann took her in at the age of seventeen, when she became a legal adult at nineteen they helped her fight for custody of Wiley, not long after she got Garrett the same way making sure they never went through what she did especially with the father they all shared.

  After all the chaos at work, Victoria spent the day cleaning and chasing after Garrett before finally relaxing and getting to bed. She was in a peaceful slumber, but not everything could remain peaceful for long...It all has to end.  

  Victoria Age 29, Wiley (Why-Lee) Age 17, Garrett Age 4  

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