Morning Misery

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At the moment all of Charming was asleep as the dark cover of morning draped over the sky. The beat of Victoria's music matched her even breaths and long strides. Every morning around the same time Victoria left to take runs through the dirt covered back roads of charming. Rounding the bend in the road she came to the all to familiar sight of the house. Continuing her pace Victoria was quickly lurched forward with the force of a much larger body crashing into her. Colliding with the rough siding of the house she quickly wiggled herself around to come face to face with Happy.

"What the hell!" She shouted, reaching up to cup her throbbing nose.

"Where have you been, as long as I'm here you do not do anything with out my say so!" Happy roughly growled as he pressed harder into her. Temper getting the better of her, Victoria shoved him as rough as she could making him stumble.

" I only went for a morning jog. Loosen up 'Dad'!" she spat storming up the porch into the house and slamming the door.

Happy would have protested and let his anger take control like usual, but lets face it his mind was preoccupied

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Happy would have protested and let his anger take control like usual, but lets face it his mind was preoccupied. Seeing what Victoria called running clothes,he got to see a lot more of her then he had expected to. She had a tone tanned stomach with bright roses and a skull tattooed up her left side, a of sleeve tattoos running along both arms, and a phoenix on her right hip to her upper stomach. Those tattoo's drove him crazy, he would have never known there was more of them hiding other than her arms, he wanted to see what else was hiding underneath the little bit of clothes she still had on. Then again any man would be crazy not to, she was fucking hot everyone in town knew it, how the MC hasn't met her till recently was a mystery to them all. It wasn't five minutes before Victoria came running out in a panic, snapping happy out of his daze.

"Whats wrong?"

"The hospital called they need me there right away." She spoke shakily locking the house up.

Happy stalked to her quickly taking the keys and doing so for her, then took her arm and dragged her out to the car so she wouldn't have to drive in her panicked state. Things were quiet between the two, Victoria sat tapping her fingers against her thigh. Every now and then he would steal glances at her realizing she hadn't changed, fighting to keep the growl of annoyance down he focused on the road ahead.

Victoria shot out of the car almost as soon as it had stopped moving to be cut short with Happy gripping her wrist. Looking back at Happy surprised she was met with him quickly forcing his SAMCRO hoodie over her, though he was a lot more careful with her then this morning. She nodded her thinks before taking off again, meeting with the woman at the front desk.

"Hi I'm Victoria Hale, I received an emergence call from here a while ago." She breathed heavily from her running.

The nurses happy face quickly dropped looking the girl over and her voice came out in a low tone. "Right this way."

"Uh okay..." Victoria paused to look back at Happy who nodded her way and took a seat in the waiting area.

She followed the Nurse into the elevator, which quickly started its way down. The dim light and god awful music in the moving box sent Victoria on edge even more, though she was feeling to uneasy to ask. As the doors slid open the two were met with a colder atmosphere and open clean room with tables and a wall of small doors, a morgue.

Her eyes widened and fear struck her. "Why are we down here?" the room echoed at her cracking voice.

"Miss would you mind telling ,me if you recognize this woman." A man asked removing a sheet off of the table in front of the two.

She couldn't speak her mind was in a vortex that continued to spin, her legs buckled sending her to the floor. The same name slipping from her lips over and over again in a whisper. The image she just witnessed replaying in her head the sickening sight of pale skin, blonde hair, and massive amounts of blood. She was frozen to the point they brought Happy down to help her out of the hospital, after offering Victoria their sympathies. On the way out the one word she kept whispering louder and louder each step away from the body....

"Luann!" She let her final scream out before breaking down and crying into Happy's shoulder as he carried her away.

Needless to say the drive back to the house was rather awkward for Happy, Victoria sat quietly looking out the window with the occasional sniff here and there. After her breakdown in the hospital she quickly tried to calm down though a few sobs would escape. Without much thought Victoria staggered into the house and collapsed on her bed soon joined by the dogs. After a good three hour nap the groggy mess that Victoria had become quietly padded down the stairs making her way to the kitchen. What she was in need of was a large dose of Dr. Jack Daniels and Captain Morgan, but her hopes were quickly washed away.

"Oh great what the hell do you pigs want now?"

There at the front door stood Charming police who were previously talking to Happy before Victoria made herself known to the small group.

"Miss Hale were going to need you to come with us."

Happy growled looking back at the officer. "I told you shes not going anywhere."

"Whatever Happy lets just get this bullshit over with." Victoria huffed rolling her eyes at the brute.

"Look I said your'e not going, Jax is already on his way."

"And Jax would want me to go with the police so we can figure out whatever the hell is going on with this town without having to do all the work himself. Now move aside so i can go while you call Jax and meet us there this shouldn't take long."

With that argument out of the way Victoria was quickly cuffed and put in to the stuffy back seat of the police cruiser, while Happy shot a glare at the retreating vehicle.

(Bam two updates your'e welcome :D)

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