Girls Night

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It had been almost a month since Wiley's run in with the drug ring, things were getting back to a normal routine. With the house empty and Victoria back to work, things were slowly starting to turn around for the better. well besides the drug ring still hiding out and Otto back in jail. Not much of a surprise, throughout her time of living with Luann and Otto she had come to realize it was practically impossible to keep him out of trouble. That in a way rubbed off on her over the years, which would probably explain her questionable track record.

After a long few hours of dealing with porn stars leaving the studio to start lunch break was a blessing to Victoria. Usually Luann accompanied her so they could both pick up Garrett and have a family lunch before going back to work. Though today Luann was swamped with work so Victoria went alone and decided to bring her something back. Upon entering the diner she ran into a wall, well a wall of a person. Taking a step back and looking up she met the hard glare of Happy, even through the past month of knowing the club he was the only one who seemed to truly dislike her.

With a step to the side she made her way to a booth quickly being joined by Jax, Happy,Chibs, and Juice all climbed in around her. With out as much as a greeting, they just came and took over the booth without her consent. Again nothing new for this group, especially around her they honestly did as they pleased.

Raising her eyebrow Victoria couldn't stop the words from leaving her mouth."Not, meaning to be rude and all, but what the hell do you guys want now?"

"Couldn't let a pretty lass eat lunch alone, now can we?" Chibs asked tossing an arm over her shoulder.

"Very funny, now really why are you here?" She chuckled swatting his hand away.

"Well darlin', we came to give you heads up. Shit is piling up in charming, We decided that one patched member would stay at your house nightly to keep an eye on you." Jax paused.

"Wait keep an eye on me, why? Something happen?" Victoria questioned leaning back.

"Not really, there is just worry for your safety, besides you're Otto's kid that makes you family, and we protect family." Juice spoke up.

"Well now that your family feel free to swarm me during my lunch break." Victoria added sarcastically.

"Aye lass you can count on it!" Chibbs yelled causing everyone in the diner to stare while the guys just laughed.

After an oddly eventful lunch with the guys Victoria was rushing to get back to work on time, not wanting to deal with bitchy porn starts any longer than she needed to. Once back at the studio the parking lot was void of life,something was off but she only shrugged off the thoughts and found herself roaming the halls in search of Luann. The place was trashed papers thrown about, sets broken something had defiantly went down in her absence. She had finally found Luann casing her to break out to a run and slide in front of her. Luann's blonde curled hair cascaded around her as she berried her face in her hands, no she wasn't crying but extremely stressed and trembling.

"Luann what the hell happened here?" Victoria's voice full of worry.

"A rival studio, that's what fucking happened! They trashed the place when everyone left." Luann huffed shakily getting to her feet.

Victoria growled slightly wrapping her arms around her 'mother' "Did they hurt you in any way, so god help me ill kill 'em!"

She only smiled sadly at the young girl. "Baby girl I'm fine, they just wrecked the place, I've called SAMCRO there sending some one over."

A few moments of silence passed between the two before a brilliant idea popped into Victoria's head. "Tonight you and I are going to put on our best dresses and were going to party till we blackout, and we'll have the girls night you're in need of." She smiled squeezing Luann's shoulder.

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