Duck the Dryer

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There's nothing better than the smell of fresh laudry : that is, unless it's coming from a 150 pound dryer being chucked at your head by an angry sibling. 

Three people were standing in the sunny backyard of Aunt Mo's house. One was leaning against a tree, enjoying the shade and cool summer breeze that wafted by as pieces of heavy machinery were thrown from one end of the yard to the other. Karry Keaton sighed, opened his mouth to speak but shut it, part of him surrendering to the utmost stupidity of the fight in front of him, the other half wanting it to go on.

The second person standing around, though not quite as still as Karry, was Mika Dunst. She was red-faced, google-eyed and an average level of angry for an average june day. She stood huffing, strands of hair falling out of place and sticking to her face as she stared down the last person in the yard and reached for another piece of machinery.

Finally, this third person in the yard was probably the most distressed. Then again, anyone would be if their sibling was throwing golf carts, lawn mowers and scrap metal at their face. Especially if they were flying towards them at about 80 miles per hour. Ray Dunst fell to the ground with a yelp to avoid being beheaded by a speed-o'-sound toaster.

"You fart-faced monkey butler! Chewed-up wad of demon gum! Idiot!" Mika screamed at her brother as she flung a car motor at him.

Ray dodged the speedy projectile and ran to Karry's side, raising his hands in a defensive manner. "Mika, chill!"

"Chill!? How can I chill!? You've just ruined my life!" Karry watched a crowbar decorated with faded frog stickers lodge itself into the tree where Ray's head had been seconds ago.

"That's an overstatement," her brother protested, scooting his way up the tree as best he could.

Mika screamed, and for a moment Karry thought her head was going to explode. Nothing that would surprise him though; the oldest of the Dunst twins was known for her explosive temper. Karry chuckled at his own pun as Mika grabbed the trunk of Ray's hiding tree and started shaking it.

"Mikaaa- I'm noooot a fruuuit-" Ray's voice wobbled as the entire was shaken roughly, apples indeed falling to the ground. One, particularly ripe, particularly hard one hit Ray on the forehad and made him lose his grip on his branch. With an unceremonius thump! he fell to the ground at his sister's feet, one of which promptly ground his face into the dirt.

"Hey, do you think if I bury your head in the earth, an idiot tree will grow on top of it?" Mika hissed, pushing Ray's face further into the dirt.

"Mm noh a seeh!" came the muffled response. Mika lifted her foot long enough for it to be clarified ("I'm not a seed!") then went back to forcefully unleashing her anger upon her brother.

It was a while until she stopped, at which point Karry had gone into Aunt Mo's house, grabbed some lemonade then come back to find the twins sitting opposite each other, apprantly having a stare down.

"So...Powers for Hire huh?" Karry hummed, pouring Mika a glass in the hopes the cool drink would calm her down. The girl clenched her glass so hard the surface cracked, but Mika seemed to be calm enough not to shatter it.

Ray chuckled, nervously fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. "Well, I thought since we've been talking about it since forever and it's mom and dad's anniversary- and we've all got nothing to do this summer, we coud maybe give it a try, just to see?"

Mika snorted. "Mom and dad's anniversary? Honestly, that's an argument for why we shouldn't be doing this."

"But we are?" Ray smiled hopefully.

Mika sighed and took a long gulp of lemonade. "Keep flattering me numbnuts and maybe, just maybe, I might be so inclined as to not cave in your head on the side of the golf cart."

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