Brought Up That Way

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Picture of Ivy!

Brought up that way - Taylor Swift

• Hanna wasn't raped or anything like that, so no mention of rape warning!

• Brail had no clue of Hannas past and assumed she was a virgin.

•Hanna got upset by the fact that he was a virgin because it had been her plan all along, to save herself for her mate.

•This chapter will be 100% Brail and Hanna, then the next one will be Parker and Ivy.


Brail slowly walked up the steps of Hanna's parents house, his hand clammy and his heart aflame. He turned to watch the alpha drive away after dropping him off, thankful for his brother and Sage for helping him. After Parker came back in after talking to Ivy, he gave a little speech to Brail. He told him that Hanna was young and scared that he wouldn't accept her if he found out she had slept with another wolf. Brail needed to let her know that he didn't care about her past, only about their future together as mates. Then Parker ran outside and took off with Ivy to try and cheer her up after Julie had verbally attack her and his mate.

The house lights were off which meant her parents were still gone and that she was either gone or in her room still. He decided not to knock, just going in and silently walking in the house. He could hear the washer going and the sound of a TV coming from upstairs. He made his way to the stairs but paused when Hanna's door opened. She was wearing short shorts and a tank top, her hair, which was held up using a head band and a pony tail, was twisted in a loose bun. Brail hid himself behind behind the closet door beside the stairs, watching her walk into the kitchen. When she was out of sight he rushed up to her room and looked around for a second. It wasn't really what he thought it would be, no pink or frillies. The walls were white with a vew photography photos of black and white trees, feilds or wolf. He figures she had taken them herself and if so she was an amazing photographer. Her comforter was covered in tree limbs, the black and white colors complimenting the walls. Her black rug looked like a hole against her white carpet. Black and white was everywhere. If something was black the their was something white beside it or visa versa. He finally look around and spotted his destination, the closet. He ran into it but was again shocked. It wasn't a closet, but a red room for photos. His shock vanished when he heard foot steps on the stairs.

He ran out of the room and dived under her bed. It was a tight fit but thankfully she had a tall bed. She walked into the room with a bowl of what he assumes was ice cream and she was talking on the phone. She was talking talking to her mother and the were having a small argument about him. Hanna sat her ice cream down on her night stand and walked into another door behind curtain, hidden away. When she pulled back the curtain he realized that it was her real closet. Brail took this chance to play with her a little bit. He got out from underneath the bed and grabbed her ice cream before he dunked back down and under her bed. He felt slightly silly laying on his belly eating his mates ice cream while she was in her closet. She finally came out with nothing at all changed except she was off the phone and she had a fancy looking crate. She sat the crate down by her door, then she climbed on her bed. He heard her sigh then the RV was turned on. The bed shifted, then again, then he seen Hanna's feet hit the floor.

"What the hell?" He could barely hold in his laughter and his guilt. His poor little mate just wanted her ice cream. She ran our of the room and down the stairs, giving Brail a chance to stand up and strip down to his underwear and tight cotton T-shirt. He crawled under her blankets then took off the rest of his cloths. The sudden burst of energy and courage surprised him. He grabbed the bowl of ice cream and flipped through the channels on the TV that sat on her dresser. After several minutes she walked back in with a bowl of ice cream. Her head was down and she was grumbling to herself as she shut her door. When she turned back around and her eyes met mine, she screamed a high pitched, glass shattering scream and threw her ice cream bowl at me. I caught the bowl which had surprisingly lost a small amount of cream. I poured that bowl full into the other bowl then licked my hand.

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