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Sage walked up the stairs to the cabin. His mate was inside, resting and after all that had happened that is exactly what she needed. The mark being removed had hurt her worse than he had realized, sending her wolf into a frenzy when he left. He knew she would miss him but he never thought it woukd become ao bad that her wolf would try to tear its way out of her for the first time. Her fever and coma had all been her wolfs fault, not a usual accurance.

Sage slammed the door behind himself and peered into the kitchen. Abby was sitting in one of the tall stools with her head laying on the island. A unopened box of cereal and a jug of milk sat beside her. Sage didn't know whether to laugh or sigh in frustration. He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. She fit snug in his grip. She started to move but stopped after a few seconds.

Sage carried her up the stairs to their temporary bedroom, flicking on the light as he went by. He liked this place and he was thankful to the alpha for letting them stay but he couldn't wait for them to rest in their own bed and feel safe. Till then, this bed would have to do for now.

"Sage?" Abby stirred in his arms right before he was going to lay her day. Her eyes were barely open and her breath was kicken. She was the most beautiful creature ever.

"Yes baby?" He curled himself around her and layed her head on his chest.

"When can we go home. I'm tired of being here. I feel so scared." He eyes showed her true fears. She was scared of waiting for her father to show his face. But Sage knee if he ever seen that mans face, he would kill him.

"As soon as your mother is able to travel, babe. Then were gone, I swear." He kissed her temple to try and sooth her. She let up a little but not completely. Sage kissed her shoulder next. "Just sleep, OK?" Abby nodded.


Ivy was dreaming. The hall way was empty, besides the flyers and random papers. It looked like a high-school hallway after a lockdown. An absentee of life yet you could feel were there had been panic. She had no clue what she was doing but she had to find Parker. The floor felt wet as Ivy walked across it, making her realize she was barefoot and wearing a white dress. Ivy finally got to the end of the hall to the two large double doors. She pressed against the, pushing them open into a large room.

The ground looked as if it was covered by a think layer of soot or ash. Even by barely walking in the room were her feet already blackened by the substance. As she sifted her foot through she began to notice what looked like cloth material in the mix. Before she could take another step she realized what this was. These were bodies, burn to the point of complete ash. She clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from panicking but it barely worked.

Ivy spun around, prepared to make quick exit but came face to chest with a large figure. Its Hood covered her view but it spell told her everything. He was a werewolf, like her yet he smelled horrible as if he hadn't washed in months.  Before she could run he grabbed her. Arms in a death lock. He didn't try and drag her off, only kept her from running. Then she smelt it. The smell of new flesh burning, but it wasn't hers. Finally the man realized one of her arms and started to drag her further into the auditorium, closer to the smell.

Ivy faced forward and almost became sick when her eyes caught sight of the large fire in the center. You could see the body in the middle yet it wasn't thrashing or screaming, just laying there. As they got closer to the fire the figure became less blurry, more recognizable. When they were less than five feet away Ivy realized who it was. She let out a terrible gut wrenching scream, sobs rocking her body. The body in the center of the fire was Hanna.


Sorry for a short update after all this time but Im busy busy!

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