Keep Going

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Hanna (Wah)

Pic of Hanna!

The meal was good, as always when it comes to my mom. I had thought that it had been ruined by a certain wolf showing up, but it wasn't. Brail didn't even acknowledge the fact that I had freaked out when he came but I was thankful for that. I wanted everything to be normal for us, or atleast normal for other couples since we've only been together for a day or two. I hope we could be OK together forever. Right now we are sealed together at the mouth on my bed. His hair was so soft, I could fall asleep in a bed of it. He picked me up and sat me to strattle him. God, I love this boy!

"You know, this is awkward since your parents are underneath us right now." He grinned up at me, thinking he was being sly. I wrinkled my nose up.

"Ew, babe! Did you just mention my parents!" His fact turned bright red and he started stammering for an answer. I laughed at him, his blush so cute. I leaned forward and kissed his nose. "I'm kidding""

"I... I know!" I cocked my eyebrow at him causing his fact to flush more.

"OK so I didn't know." Before I could make fun of him, he smashed our faces together. Well played babe, well played. I reached down and pealed my shirt off. Brail growled, grabbing my waist and flipping us over again. I would have laughed but I couldn't even think straight so I just kept kissing him, the only thing I ever wanted to do again. By the time I put any focus back onto the world, I was completely unclothed, well... I had a sock on. I could feel Brails skins but he had his boxer-briefs on. Not for long though. I reach down and slipped them off with the help of my toes since he was restricting my movements. Finally both of us were bare. He pushed his forehead to mine. Now is when the fun rea...

"Hanna!" I screamed at the intruder and yanked the covers way over our heads. Brail was still in the same position, above me, knees a little under my butt and ready for action. Difference was now he had his head buried into my neck, trying to gain control of his wolf. "Hanna?!"

"Oh my God, what?!" I peaked out from under the covers and eyeballed Lexi, who has been my best friend since 5th grade. "Can't you see I'm a little busy!" I felt bad but damn!

"Yea, but we have got a bigger problem than you getting a nap!" I heard Brail growl then I got a little light head. Lexi's words had hit a nerve in Brail and he had pushed forward into me just a little bit but enough to make me go crazy.

"Lexi, listen right now isn't a good time! Please, I beg you to wait at the pack house or at Danvers! Please!" She blushed a little as if she just noticed the werewolf shaped lump on top of me. Then she dashed out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Now all I need to do was calm Brail... or not. As soon as she left the room he dipped the rest of himself into me and rested his lips on mine. Oh well, she can wait! I wrapped my legs around his waist and enjoyed being with my mate in the best possible way!


I slowly creeped down the stairs, one at a time, trying not to wake one of the two light sleeping wolfs in the house. I woke up at 2 in the morning starving so I figured Id get a bite to eat. I got to the kitchen on a mission to find a whole meal worth of food to fill my belly. The fridge held everything we had last night so I dug most of that out and began to heat it up. I was working on the potatoes when I felt arms go around me. It didn't scare me because I could feel the shock from our mate bond. I leaned into Brail and inhaled his amazing scent. Our scents mixed covered him.

"Hungry?" I asked him, offering him a piece of the meat I had heated up. He smiled and nodded, taking a small piece then sitting at the table. I rolled my eyes then finished heating up the food. I sat Brazil's plate in front of him, sitting mine down beside it. I crawled into his lap, my new favorite place to eat my meals. He didn't protest, only wrapped one arm around my waist then started shoveling food in his mouth. I smiled at hoe cute he was.

"Wah?" He gave me a questioning look and I began to laugh.

"You're what! You are so goofy!" He grinned bug then turned back to his food. I starred eating to. By the time I was half was done Brail was helping me eat my food. He had such a big appetite, much like all men I guess. "So," I swollowed the bite that was in my mouth," are we going to see your brother today?" I knew Brail was awfully worried about his older brother who had been more of a dad when he was growing up.

"Yea, we will leave when visiting hours open then I guess we can stay there for awhile. I need to talk to the alpha about when we will be heading home." He had a very serious look on his face. Making him look much younger. I only nodded. Sure I was sad about leaving but in the end I would have Brail by my side so it didn't matter. When my plate was ifinally full I stood and dumped the dishes in the sink.

"Cow on, babe. I want to sleep some more." I dragged Brail behind me, longing for my bed.

_________One week later________

I was so frustrated at my damn sister. All week she had been an ass to Brail, never allowing him to stay to long in his brothers room, bitching if he even touched Parker and growling if he would try and shift his pillows like he likes them. It really made me mad and it hurt Brails feelings even if he tried to hide it. The Young Luna of Brails pack was finally out of the hospital but was on strict bed rest for a few more days. Her mother had also had an incline in health so Parker was the only reason we are still here. The doctor said he was healing good but may be out two or three more days.

Right now me and Brail were sitting at the local diner eating lunch. Brail looked very concentrated on his food which means he is thinking of something very hard. I threw a fry at his head and it poked his eye. Bulls eyes! Or... wolfs eyes!

"Hey!" He picked up the fry and put it in his mouth. " What was that for?" I shrugged and continued to eat my meal. "Oh really" he tossed his own fry at me. I grinned and ate his like he did mine.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked him. He just shrunk back down again.

"I'm worried. About my brother, about my pack, about you. " I gave him a questioning look. He noticed it. "My alpha has explained that his mates father is looking for her. He will kill what ever gets in his way when he does. I don't know why but he wants her, and bad. "

"Well, wont we be safer with your pack?" I wasn't as confused, but I still had some questions.

"Yea, but getting there is the problem. It would dangerous." His eyes were sad, my poor baby. I got up and sat beside him in his booth. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "I just don't want you in ant danger. That's my main worry."

"Yea, and my sister isn't helping huh?" He flinched but smiles at me.

"Eh, well... she... she's just worried about him..." I rolled my eyes. Of course Brail would try to defend her. For me and for his brother. I started to protest but he interrupted me first. "Listen, it will be easier for Parker when he gets better if I just smile and go on. There is no point in causing a fight for him or for you." He was right.

"Well I do know that I am going to scream at the next she-wolf that stares at you in here " I clung closer to him, sending evil glared at a nearby she-wolf that was eying MY mate up and down. Bitch needs to learn her place. Brail laughed beside me. "What the hell Is so funny?"

"Oh, baby! You're so cute when you're jealous. Love you." He kissed me softly but since we were in public I just dropped my head and frowned. What a day!


Pic of Hanna!




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