Episode 9: Knights of K-I

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Episode 9: Knights of K-I

            A ray of colors ranging from red, blue, green, white, and purple zigzagged around in space. A couple of seconds later, the ray zoomed overhead and came crashing down into the planet’s gravitational pull and atmosphere. The ray beamed downward and once in Mahlu’s atmosphere it curled upward towards the temple of Zara. Upon reaching the temple, the ray dispersed and separated as the kids fell and planted their feet on the ground.

            “Now that is what I call a landing,” joked Trista. They looked around seeing that the planet was completely different from Earth. Even though from space the planet seemed violet, some trees were purple and some of the grass was blue. They turned around seeing a huge Aztec temple-like…Temple of Zara.

            “Whoa…now that is a temple,” expressed Jenna in amazement.

            “Lets go…Th’rial is in danger,” ordered Travis. The gang ran up the hundred flights of stairs, getting very close to the top. Upon reaching, they notice four statues. There was two on the left and two on the right, however a fifth statue seemed to have shattered upon the center.

            “Wow…this was easy,” said Jenna. Suddenly out of the blue, they stopped as their stones around their neck started to jingle.

            “Ummm…Travis?” asked Angela.

            “Some…something is coming,” whispered Zac, looking up at the blue sky, hearing a strange female with an on going crackle as creepy organ music started to play in the background. All of a sudden a pair of huge dark green shaded eyes appeared in the sky above the temple. The eyes had a very small pupil with shading around it.   

            “Huhahahahuh! Huhahahahhuuuh!” The eyes stared down directly at them, causing them to feel this demonic intense pressure coming form the floating pair of eyes above them as the blue sky suddenly morphed into thunderous grey clouds.

            “What’s goin’ on?” asked Trista.

            “Huhahahahuh! Huhahahahhuuuh,” cackled the voice as the tiny pupils in her dark green shaded eyes brighten brighter than day. Two bolts of lightning came directly from the pupils and split into two making a total of four bolts. The lightning crashed right on top of the four remaining statuses as the gang shaded their eyes from the intense lighting.

            “Huhahahahuh! Huhahahahhuuuh!” The creepy organ music started to disappear within the background as the pair of floating eyes faded away, returning the sky back to normal.

            “Crap!” complained Jenna uncovering her eyes. Soon after, the temple started to rumble as all four statues shattered, reviving forth the life that was trapped in solid stone. The four figures stepped forward more into the light. Their presence felt so familiar and yet so far.

            “Who are you!” shouted Travis.

            “We are…the Knights of K-I!”

            “Knights of K-I?” asked Zac.

            “I am Annihilator…if you want it, come and claim it,” he said in a deep voice. The gang stood in their fighting stances as they transformed into Elemental Warriors. Annihilator just laughed at them, sensing no threat from the witches.

            “What’s so funny?” asked Angela.

            “Death has ARRIVED!” he shouted. He slowly took out his double swords from the scabbards on his waist. The sword in his right hand, the pommel was shaped like a cloud representing thunder while the sword in his left hand, the pommel was shaped like a lightning bold. He placed the two swords above his head and made his blades kiss, forming a small X. He then slowly brought them down and as he did that it looked like he had another pair of arms, and another making a total of six. The image of the four extra arms vanished as he brought his right sword up in front of Travis It just levitated by itself as he put the left sword close to it too. The two swords looked glued together as he took both hands around the grip and swung it to the left, gathering up energy, forming his own lightning.

            “Sonic…BOOM!” he said while swinging the sword back in front of him. The sheer powerful force of the swung caused them to put up their arms up to block the invisible gust of wind and sound that was pushing them back down the stairs. Along with the gust and sound from the thunder came the lightning, crashing into all of five of them at once.

            “AHHHHAHH!!!” they all screamed. Thunder and lightning combined proved to be too much for them, causing them to lose control of their balance, being swept away by the current of the thunder. They were swept from the stairs and up into the air as the lightning separated them in different parts around the temple. 

            “Now my knights—let the hunt begin,” said Annihilator with a wicked grin as Izu, Yuli, and Del Rossi stood next to him.

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