Episode 10: Blast from the Past

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Episode 10: Blast from the Past 

            Angela jumped up seeing that she was separate from the group and was no longer transformed. She looked around having no clue which way was which or even where to go.

            “Okay?...I’ll just fly out of here,” she thought.

            “Elemental Warrior!” shouted a female’s voice. Angela turned seeing a woman standing on a rock with gold armor, long light blue ponytail, and dark eyes.

            “I’m Izu, death is inevitable,” she said while taking out her weapon. She carried a spear, but the blade part of the spear was a blue crystal with a red ribbon around it.

            “Eh-I hate my job…HUH!’ said Angela, flicking her hand. Izu jumped up in the air as the force slammed against the rock, leaving an imprint. Izu just started thrusting her spear super fast, causing Angela to make split second dodging decisions. Angela tried blocking the spear and right kick, but Izu blocked the kick with the staff part of the spear.

            “Heehee, why don’t you transform…is it because you can’t?” 

            “Now you’re pissing me off,” said Angela, charging at her.

            “Come child…HAAA!” Izu lifted her spear, but Angela used it to her advantage and used the staff part as a stepping-stone. Izu pushed up on it, causing Angela to use her other foot, kicking Izu straight in the face, while doing a back flip in the air. Izu jumped in the air and landed back on the rock. She held the spear firmly in her hands as the crystal started to glow bright blue.

            “DIAMOND!” Izu thrust the spear forward faster as thousands of tiny diamond shards started to appear. “STORM!” Izu slashed upward, sending the diamond shards straight toward Angela. Angela held onto the key around her neck and extended her left hand, literally stopping half of the shards. The rest of the shards came straight at her as she used her other hand, creating a barrier around her, stopping all but a few, getting a cut in the process.

            “My…my…my, aren’t we a clever little white witch,” said Izu with interest.

            “My…my…my, bite me!” shouted Angela, slowly lifting both hands in the air.

            “What sorcery is this?” asked Izu, starting to panic.

            “Not sorcery…a new power, Frytos!” she shouted, waving her hands down as icy wind flies from them.

            “No…AHAAHAHAHa!” screamed Izu, becoming more and more frozen.

             “Swear, I better not be the only one getting jumped around here,” complained Angela.

            Over on the east side of the Temple of Zara, Trista slammed into a tree.

            “I’m Del Rossi…death will fall upon you all.” Del Rossi had on a brown cloak with black boots and a hood coving his face.

            “Blah, blah, blah,” taunted Trista. “Aerorik!” She lifted up her hands, crisscrossing them, creating two fait slashes looking things. She brought her hands down same way and the blades started to become more seeable. She brought her hands back up for the last time and grabbed them and through them. Del Rossi swirled his mega scythe weapon around, blocking the two air blades. While still swirling he lifted the scythe up above him and said, “Deadly Scream!” Del Rossi forced the scythe down, summoning a sonic wave of destruction as it hummed a deadly tune.

            “You wanna play…let’s play,” said Roxi as Trista’s eyes changed.

            Over on the South side of the Temple of Zara, Yuli did a back flip, shooting an arrow straight at Zac. Zac foresaw it coming and at the right time melted it. Yuli just smiled wearing a hunter’s outfit. He whipped out a gold arrow and launched it as it smacked straight into a tree.

            “Damn…” said Zac, ducking for cover as the tree exploded.

            Elsewhere, Travis continued his hardest to stop the leader of the knights. Annihilator whipped out his thunder and lightning swords, unleashing another sonic boom attack. Travis tried combining a defensive attack with an active attack, but the blast was too much for him, causing him to crash into another tree.

            “Ahh…with these odds, Jenna must be really having fun,” He said to himself.  

            “Aw hell yeah! Bring on the fun,” expressed Jenna who as of yet, not been attacked. She saw the top of the temple and ran for it. She climbed up to the top of the stairs and what stood before her were tall double doors. In the center was a handprint of some sort. She carefully touched the end of it, but heard something from behind. She turned, seeing Travis being thrown from the forest to the open area in front of the temple. Jenna ran back down the stairs to aid her friend-shouting out, “Travis!”  

            “No!” he screamed, but it was too late. Jenna was suddenly snatched by Annihilator. He crossed his two swords and held them up to her neck as her body pressed hard against him.

            “Give it up little warrior witch. You cannot stop what is to come. Death has smiled upon you all.”

            Travis struggled to stay up as Annihilator adjusted his swords.

            “In fact…she’ll be the first of the many!” said Annihilator, zapping Jenna with electricity.

            “AHHH!!!!” screamed Jenna, horrificly.

            “JENNAFER!” shouted Travis. Annihilator sudden stopped, enjoying every scream, shout, and holler that came out their mouths. Jenna started to inhale very deeply, as her heart started to pump harder and faster. The tattoo on her back with the question mark, eye, and upside down triangle began to pulsate, flashing for a second. Jenna head twitched very rapidly as if time was speeding up. Her hair supernaturally flowed down to her butt wrapping around her body; it was black as night with the tips green as the grass. Suddenly, she lifted her head up, her hazel eyes now purple.

            “Ahhh!” screamed both Trista, Zac, and Angela, being thrown right by Travis.

            “Castarta!” shouted Jenna sending Annihilator flying into the foot of the stairs. She brushed back her hair revealing she was wearing a tight one piece dark dress with a black ribbon around her left upper arm and a black ribbon around her right lower arm, another ribbon wrapped around her stomach, and black heels.

            “What is this witchcraft?” asked Yuli. Jenna stood, hair now closely touching the ground.

            “…Jenna?” whispered Travis.

            “Hmmahhahahaha…Tāj Mahal, Dark High Priestess of the Nether realm LIVES Muahahahahah!!!”

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