Episode 19: Th'rial

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Episode 19: Th’rial

            The next day the Witches of the Elements met outside the castle to take part in the celebration of the planet’s restoration. The planet was indeed beautiful, with the sky being not blue, but lavender. Th’rial unlike our own has two moons. One is bigger than the other which is very visible even in the daytime.

            “Thank you my warriors for all that you have done. Your deed will not go unnoticed,” said Princess Aureka, holding Prince Dycoon’s hand.

            “The chalice is yours so guard it well. It will allow you safe traveling passage from your world to others,” said The Prince.

            “HEEEEEEYYY, lets get this party started!” said Jenna, dancing with the crowd.

            “Getting this bad boy wasn’t easy,” said Zac.

            “What do you mean?” asked The Prince.

            “Well we were attacked by the Knights of K-I,” explained Travis

            “How? They were entombed. The only survivor was Kibosh,” said The Princess.

            “Hold up…Kibosh was a Knight of K-I?” asked Trista.

            “Yes. There were five,” added Prince Dycoon.

            “Wouldn’t have been a problem if that Zara person didn’t free them,” said Angela.


            “Yeah, she came out of nowhere and set the knights free,” said Travis

            “Impossible,” Prince Dycoon imposed.

            “Why?” asked Angela.

            “Because the temple of Zara was named after the zarian beetle…they wanted to make it feminine so hence the name…”

            “Zara!” said all four of them at once, finishing Aureka’s explanation.

            “Okay sooo…if that wasn’t ‘Zara,’ then who the hell was it?” asked Zac, looking at them.

            Within Cloud Nine, the oracle lifted up his hand as the Black Diamond floated to him, transforming back to Na’ash. 

            Outside in space, looking downward upon the planet, a strange female on going crackle as creepy organ music started to play in the background. All of a sudden a pair of huge dark green shaded eyes appeared. The eyes had a very small pupil with shading around it.   

            “Huhahahahuh. Huhahahahhuuuh.” The eyes stared down directly at the planet you could just feel this demonic intense pressure coming from the floating pair of eyes as dark demonic manly hands stretched out of the abyss.

            “Huhahahahuh. Huhahahahhuuuh,” cackled the female’s voice, the tiny pupils in her dark green shaded eyes brighten. Suddenly a pair of dark armored manly hands wrapped around the planet, ensnaring it for his soon to be arrival.


((Thank you all soooo much for checking out Season 2, book 6 of Witches of the Elements. Stay tuned for Season 2: W.O.T.E, Book 7: Bringer of Chaos))

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