My New Life

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Our Father, who art in heaven 

Hallowed be thy name, 

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done, One Earth as it is in heaven,

Give us this day, Our daily bread, 

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those,

Who trespass against us;

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom, The power and the glory

Forever and ever,


I sighed and slowly opened my eyes. I unfold my hands from my prayer, stood up and layed down in my big comfy bed. I turned my head to my clock. It was exactly 10:00 p.m. I know I should be sleep but I can't. I start school tomorrow. A NEW school. This isn't New Birth Christian Academy,My former school. This is REAL public school. With no uniforms,different races,different religions....I don't think I'll survive real high school. Me. Diana Martin. Preacher's Kid. I don't know why ON EARTH Daddy would take me out of New Birth. He WON'T tell me ! But that's the way the cookie crumbles...

"Diana?'' Daddy yells through the door softly

"Yes Daddy?' I groaned

"May I come in?" Daddy yells still outside the door.

"Yeah" I sighed.

The door opens to expose my 36 year old father. He's a good looking man you might say. Has a head full of curly hair. No grey ones. YET!! He has caramel skin, a gym figure, kind of tall but not too tall. So yeah...nice dad. My friends used to say my dad was a sexy beast. I would just gag in my mouth a little and continue to walk on. But hey! Friends are weird..

"Angel....why aren't you asleep?" My dad asked as he sat on my bed.

I turned my back against him and sighed.

"Because I'm going to a brand new school.....sleeping isn't gonna come right away." I say.

He sighed and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Look Diana...I know this is a big step but it has to be done." My father said

I roll my eyes "Why, Dad? Why exactly does it HAVE to be done?" I say facing towards him.

My dad shrugs "It just does Angel" He says and kisses my forehead "It just does..Now you get some have a big day ahead of you!" He cheered and left the room.

See what I mean? That man is all kinds of creepy...I still love him though. While I'm just laying there, I think about my Mother...she wouldn't just let Dad send me to another school like that so something has to be up.....and I'm gonna find out...


I don't know how I slept but I did...Hmm. I sit up and run my fingers through my long brown hair. I slowly get out of bed and look in my full length mirror. I looked like CRAP in the morning! I was about to go do my hygiene when my iPhone buzzed . I drag to my dresser and take it off the charger to see who it is.It's Paris. I pick it up.

"Hello?'' I groaned in the phone.

" sound AWFUL!" Paris exclaimed

"Wow. Thanks Paris for making me feel better!" I sat sarcastically

"You're welcome" She snaps back "Anyway..I just wanna wish you good luck on your first day of .." She shudders "Public school.."

"Thanks. I'll need it." I mumbled

"That's what BEST FRIENDS DOOOO" Paris cheered

I giggled at my friends' silliness

"Well I gotta go..tell Cayla and Rachel I said hey" I said

"I will...bye Diana.." Paris sighed

"Bye" I say and hang up

I drag to my bathroom, do my hygiene, and wrap up in a bathrobe. I walk to my big closet and walk around. What to wear, what to wear? Ugh is this what ALL high school students go through everyday? I shake my head and pull out a 'DOPE' shirt with some black jeans and gold studded Nike's. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and put on some lipgloss.....I hope this looks good enough(outfit in external link). I hear a knock at the door and was about to say come i when they came in anyway. I groaned and faced back towards the mirror.

"What do you want Aaron?" I sighed while fixing my hair

"Mom said come on" Aaron mocked.

"Kay.....You can go now" I sat

Aaron rolled his eyes and stomped out the room....Brothers

~~5 minuets later~~

I stroll downstairs to see my mother

"Buena madre por la mañana (Good morning Mom)" I sigh

"Buenos días bebé (good morning baby girl)!" My mom cheered

My mom is Mexican and she doesn't speak English alot....I mean she can speak it but chooses to speak Spanish.

"¿Estás listo para su primer día de clases (Are you ready for your first day of school)" My mom asked.

"No tengo miedo (No I'm scared)" I say

"No seas bebé que va a estar bien (Don't be baby..You'll be okay)" My mom assures me.

"Espero que sí (I hope so)" I huff.

"WHOSE READY TO GO TO SCHOOL?!" Daddy says a little to happily.

"Not me." I say blankly

"Yes you are !" My dad cooed. "Let's GOOOOO! Adiós Karen!" My dad says to my mom

"Adiós chicos (Bye guys)"

And with that we left. It seemed like forever on the way to the school but when we got there I instantly wanted to go back home

"Can I go home?" I asked my dad

"Nope! Have a nice day!!" he said

I mumbled something under my breath and slowly got out the car and with that my dad was gone. Leaving me in the chaos of real high school..


I just felt like doing another story! El Oh El



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