When the Truth Comes Out.

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"Diana." Aaron knocked on my door and leaned on the door

I didn't hear him because I was listening to music so I ignored it

"Diana?!" he said a little louder and knocked again even though the door was open

"When the lights go out and I'm in my bed I think of all the memories that I've haaaaadddd" I sang REALLY off tune.

"DIANA !!!" He yelled getting frustrated. Every time he IS frustrated he gets these little worry lines on his forehead and turns really red....he has a really short temper

By that time I heard him and snatched my headphones out my ear and turned my head

"What?!" I snarled

"I'm going out with friends. So you're gonna be here by yourself." Aaron exclaimed turning back to his original caramel skin tone.

"You mean your REAL friend Issac? Or those fake, wanna be a thug friends? " I asked and rolled my eyes

Lately Aaron has been hanging around the wrong crowd. He's been hanging out with these boys who call themselves "Westside Thugs" ...They thing they're alllllll that but they're really not . All they do is eat, smoke, drink, sleep, repeat..Of coarse Aaron doesn't do that stuff but it's still a bad influence on a 14 year old. And ever since he's been hanging out with the 3 'thugs' he's been acting different. He's not the sweet boy he used to be. He's been all moody, constantly keeping his door closed, on his phone, sneaking out the house and staying out late, and plus his grades have been dropping. He came from getting all A's and B's to getting strait C's . And THAT in our house in unacceptable. He hasn't told our parents about his dropping grades but if he doesn't tell them about them soon, I will.

To make matters worse, he had a true best friend named Issac. But once Aaron found his new so called friends he completely abandoned Issac. Issac constantly calls the house and asks if Aaron has changed back to his old self, but I would always have to say no...

"Diana...they're not wanna be thugs...they're just ....I don't know. But I'll be back in a few." he sighed

"A few what ? Minuets? Hours? DAYS?!" I asked

"Hours Diana...stop worrying."

"Aaron..I'm not worried anymore. Just remember that if you get in trouble, Don't say I didn't warn you" I said while getting up and putting my iPhone on the charger.

"Bruh...Fuck dat" he said and left the room

I gasped. He never cursed at me before...EVER. It kind of hurt to hear those words come out of his mouth. They seemed unnatural in his voice.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!" I yelled after him, still stunned. 

But I was only responded with a door slammed



"Roc ?" I said nervously 

He turned to look at me and smiled

"Hey Loni !!" he said and closed his locker.

"Uhmm can I talk to you ?" I asked while twiddling my fingers

"Sure ! What about ?" he asked and ran his fingers through his hair which he KNEW turned me on.

"I'd rather talk about this alone." I say 

"Ok...this seems important" he said and his goofy face turned into a concerned one "Let's talk outside"

I nodded. And he grabbed my hand and led me to the courtyard. Luckily it was empty.

We sat down next to each other and he looked me dead in the eye.

"What did you wanna talk about Loni ?" he asked

"Well.." I said while squeezing his hand a little "It's about Desiree.."

He looked at me for a few seconds and chuckled

"Of course...What about her Kiloni ?" he sighed

"Well...don't freak out and you HAVE to believe me when I say this. If you don't then don't say I didn't tell you. Okay?"

"Sure Loni...spit it out"

"Desiree cheated on you twice." I say quickly and exhale

I looked up to see his reaction and it was completely blank. Literally. He showed no emotion whatsoever on his face.

"Wow" he chuckled under his breath

"Wow what" I asked

"You are actually THAT jealous aren't you ?" he snarled

"Jealous?! REALLY!! I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU FROM GETTING HURT AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO CALL ME JEALOUS. I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU FROM THIS HOE AND---You know what ? Forget it, Fuck it, and Fuck YOU Chresanto.Please do not talk to me ever again okay? Okay." I said,got up, and walked into school to my next class as if nothing happened.


Damn...She's really pissed off. But she should be..She's so jealous that she's trying to ruin my relationship with Desiree. But fuck it..she'll get over it. But she seemed kind of serious. Maybe she's telling the truth. Nahh..Desiree said she would never cheat on me and that she would always be faithful. AND she promised. So no..she can't be cheating.

I shrugged it off and decided to talk to Desiree about it. I walked in the hallway and dialed her number standing outside the boys bathroom door. Since the hallway was empty every sound was pretty distinct. While the phone was ringing I heard something familiar in the boys bathroom. I listened more closely and what played was 'No New Friends' by Drake....Desiree's ringtone. I thought I was hearing thing so I put my ear against the door'.

THAT was a bad idea because I heard moaning...I gasped and hung up my phone as soon as I did the ringing in the bathroom stopped.

"FASTER BABY FASTER" a girl voice said...But it wasn't just any voice...it was Desiree's

I busted in the bathroom door and saw two stunned faces. One being Desiree's.

She gasped really hard and covered up her body.

"Chresanto !!!!" she shrieked

The boy put on his clothes and pointed at me

"Yo girl can sho' give some pussy" he giggle and walked out the bathroom.

I was shocked,mad,sad,disappointed, and furious all at the same time.

"Chres I--"

"SHUT THE HELL UP DESIREE!!" I growled and clenched my fists and my jaw "I don't wanna hear it."

"But baby I--" she tried to hug me but I pushed her off firmly.

"Don't touch me. You are a hoe and a slut. I hate you. Never look,talk,or touch me ever again or I will either beat you up, or call the police. Got that ?" I asked in a VERY furious tone

"But--" she pleaded

But by that time I was already out the door..I had some apologizing to do and it's NOT to Desiroach.




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