Hot & Cold

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Diana's POV

🌞Sunday Morning 🌞

I couldn't even focus in church this morning. All I could think about was Prince and this new "relationship". I haven't talked to him since Friday night, the night he asked me out. He's been blowing my phone up like crazy. Calling 20 times a day, Texting me countless times, leaving comments on my Instagram and Twitter, texting my kik.. He won't stop... I know, I know it's wrong for me to keep ignoring his texts and stuff, but can you blame me ? I'm in a tough place right now. I mean, sure I really really like Princeton and I would LOVE to date him, but the only thing standing in my way are my parents. Well mostly my dad. Sure my dad may seem like the nice, sweet man that everyone loves which he is, but NOT when it comes to me and Aaron's love life. Every time he meets a boy that is no more than a friend of mine he always pushes it. He says things like "How are your grades doing? " when he doesn't even know the guys name yet. That kind of irks me. I know he's trying to protect me and all, but he goes to the extreme. Maybe I can just hide it from him a little bit longer. I'll tell him sooner or later.

"Diana !?" I heard a voice that interrupted my thoughts

"Hmm ?" I say and turn my head

Everyone was gone with the exception of a few people. All the seats and isles were cleared out. Where did everybody go ?

"Where is everyone ?" I ask to myself aloud

"They're gone, genius." Aaron said smartly sitting beside me "Church service is over."

I snapped my head towards him and frowned

" just started." I say

" ended about 15 minutes ago." Aaron reassured "You were just staring off into space for the whole service."

I stared at him for a few more seconds and sighed

"Oh Shit.." I mumbled unaware of what just escaped my mouth

Aaron's mouth dropped and then he smirked

"Diana, what did you just say ?" he asked and chuckled

"...I said Oh Shoot." I nodded.

"Oh no no no that's not what I heard." Aaron said

"Whatever." I said, stood up, and began walking home. Yes...WALKING home. It's only two blocks anyway.

I can't believe I just cursed. I very RARELY curse, let alone in a church.

It's moment like these when I wish I was back at New Birth. I promised myself at the beginning of the year that I wouldn't be influenced by the people who go there, well look at me now. Cursing in the church.

While walking and thinking, I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. Already knowing it was my mom I answered.

"Mamá ya estoy caminando a casa, no te preocupes por mí (Mom I'm already walking home, don't worry about me)" I sighed

"Esta no es tu madre es Jacob (This isn't your mother it's Jacob)" I heard on the other line and a sigh of fustration.

Oh no..

"Oh hola Jacob (Oh. Hello Jacob)" I said nervously.

Lord knows that I want to hang up in his face soooo bad but I didn't want to be rude or anything.

" No 'Hola Jacob' mí. ¿Por qué no has estado contestando el teléfono ?! (Don't 'Hello Jacob' me. Why haven't you been answering the phone ?!) " he snarled. I can tell he's pissed off.

"Lo siento, he estado ocupado (Sorry, I've been busy)" I lied. Wow, swearing AND lying in one day. I'm on a roll 😒

"Lo que sea, nos vemos en la escuela (Whatever, see you at school)" he said blankly and I heard a click on the other line, indicating that he hung up.

Well now I feel bad :(


Kiloni's POV

After a long day at the dance studio, I decided to pamper myself by getting my hair done because right now, it was NOT looking pretty.

I walked in and the smoke of a flat iron hits my face. I haven't been to a hair salon in I don't know how long.

I go to one of front desk, sign my name, and take a seat.

A slightly oversized woman came up to me.

"Kiloni ?" the woman asked in shock

I looked up from my phone and to the woman. How did she know my name ?

"Um..yeah ?" I said nervously.

"Oh my God...its really you ?" the woman asked and put her hands over her mouth.

"Um..Who are ---"

She cut me off by a gigantic, bone crushing hug.


"Excuse Me but who exactly are you and how do you know my name ?" I snarled and pushed her off of me.

The woman looked a little heartbroken and I felt a little bad.

"I apologize for my attitude, but I just wanna know who you are." I said in a softer tone.

"It's me..your Aunt Shayla." she said slowly

I flinched at the thought of Aunt Shayla.

"I-I don't know what your talking about. My Aunt Shayla disappeared years ago." I stuttered

"No, No, No sweetie it's really me." she insisted with a tear slipping down her caramel face.

No way I was falling for this bullshit.

"Oh yeah ? Prove it ." I hissed

"How ?" she asked desperately

"What's my sister's name ?" I challenged

"Kenyu." she answered instantly

"What's my mothers name ?"

"Lilian (A/N: just made it up. I know that's not her real mother's name)"

"Where is my father ?"

"In prison in Mexico."

"Why was he arrested ?"

"He was abusive to you and your mother, and he raped a woman while in Mexico.'' Aunt Shayla hesitated saying that

We she did say that all the memories of my father beating my Mom and me came flooding back. The pain, the suffering, everything.

I had to get out of

I stood up and ran out of the salon. I kept running even though my car was still at the salon.

No way I was gonna let them see me cry.

I needed to talk to someone. And there was only one person I COULD talk to.

Minutes later I arrived at the large home and walked to the door. I rang the doorbell.

Seconds later, he answered.

"Kiloni ?" he said in shock

"Hey, can we talk ?" I asked with a tear slipping down my face..


SO SO SO SO SOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT 😢 My life is just pretty hectic at the moment .



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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