Two Worlds Unite

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I stood there and just looked around. People were running in the school, guys were acting stupid, girls were acting fake...just like in the movies. I sighed and walked slowly towards the entrance door to Stevenson High School. I was prepared to open the door when the boy came and did it for me. The boy had a curly Afro and his skin was like toffee. His eyes were like HEAVEN and same thing for his smile.

"Thank You" I say shyly

"No Problem" The boy said flashing his perfect smile. He had kind of a Mexican accent...

I smiled back and walked into the crowded hallways of the school. 

"Woah.." I say in awe. This place was ALOT bigger then I thought it was

The Mexican boy came next to me 

"Woah is right" he said and looked down at me "You must be new here." he said

"Very." I sighed

"Well don't worry...this place isn't as bad as it seems" he reassured.

"Oh" I breathed a sigh of relief and looked a him "What's your name...or am I just gonna have to keep calling you afro boy" I smiled

He giggled. "I'd appreciate it if you DIDN'T call me that...and my name is Jacob....but you can call me Princeton."

"Why Princeton?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Because I'm royalty." He said 

"Really?!" I asked suprised

"No. But I wished I was" He frowned. "Anyway what's your name...or am I just gonna have to keep calling you beautiful" He winked.

I blushed "Actually I wouldn't mind if you called me that...but my name is Diana" I smiled.

"Wow...a beautiful name for a beautiful girl...¿No ve que muy a menudo (Don't see that very often)"Prince mumbled

"Sí contármelo (Yeah tell me about it)" I sighed.

He looked at me in shock. "You speak spanish?" He asked

" mom's Mexican and she only speaks Spanish for some reason" I shrug

"My mom's Mexcan too" he gasped. "Is your dad by any chance--"

"Black" we say at the same time

" a matter of fact he is" I giggle

"I swear you're my long lost sister" he smiles

"Haha maybe maybe" I say

"So umm where's your first class?" he asked.

"Uhm Mrs. Adams class?" I say while looking at my schedule

"Ooooooo she's mean" he says with a sorry look in his eyes

"Oh No." I groan. "That's the last thing I need...a mean teacher." 

"Hey....she's not all that bad...just stay on her good side and you'll be okay" Prince says

I pout and sigh

"Well I guess I'll catch you later..?' I ask 

"Definatly" he says

"See ya!" I say while walking down the hall

"Bye beautiful...I mean Diana" he smirked and walked away.






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