6 - LONER101

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Six days.

It had been six days since Leafy walked out of those doors. He just walked out those doors, and I did nothing to stop him. Now I normally have no ragrets, but this is one of them.

Imagine if I'd shouted out before he left, ran and hugged him or even just asked for a follow back on Twitter. Then I could've slid into his DM's.


Peeking around Moonbucks, there was only one customer who was sat alone in a corner. They were shaking and muttering to themselves, but they weren't Leafy so I won't ask if they need help.

Snapping on my gum, I shifted my new non-prescription hipster glasses. Getting my phone out, I quickly typed in my password 1995 (the year the Leafy was born).

I tapped on the Grumblr app and opened up my Grumble Page. After titling my new Grumble, I started to rant my frustrations.



Grumblr numbr 27 [27 conspiracy lmao ]

so a few dayz ago kelvin came to mi coffe shop

yez, the kermit, ya kno lefy!!!

I Havant cn him sins but hopephilly snooz,e.




My Grumblr was almost viral, I had seven loyal followers that always agreed with my Grumbles. After rereading my Grumble, I saw no mistakes and posted it.

snap! snap!

No, a wild crocodile didn't enter Moonbucks, it was just my gum. Today was probably going to be another boring day.

But hey, at least I have the junkie to keep me company.

I stared lovingly toward the corner where they were shaking last, apart from the fact that they weren't there. "OMG." I gasped.

Jumping (again) over the counter, I rushed to search for my one and only friend.

"Marco!" I shouted.


"Marco, Marco, Marco!" Desperation was clear in my voice.

I couldn't find him and that alone scared the shit out of me.

He could be anywhere. Anywhere.

Behind me!

I jumped quickly, my paranoia getting the best of me. He wasn't there.

Lightning struck, the weather hadn't receded from its horrific state. The flash illuminated a silhouette leant against a window. "Polo." It growled.

I sighed in relief, "Don't scare me like that." He was still shaking.

However, the doors swooshed open and a voice echoed from behind me,

"Don't do shrooms."

Coffee Shop // leafyishere fanficWhere stories live. Discover now