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My eyes fluttered and blinked a few times before opening, what was this pounding in my head?

My kettle senses tingled as I let out a gasp of steam, I was lying in a pile of broken glass. Bedraggled, I pulled myself up so I could balance on my circular base.

Breathing heavily, my water filter lid opened and closed in a rushed fashion.

There, standing in the remains of a shattered window pane, was what looked like a god.

His blonde hair tousled every so gently in the slight breeze, his eyes searched desperately (but what for?), and his masked face brooded, making me let out a little steam.

I couldn't seem to look away as he glanced right and left, up and down.

Notice me.

Notice me.

Our lusty gazes locked.

Before I could even mutter a single word, he swooped down from the large wall-like window and had me trapped. Caught in his arms.

"Martin," he whispered, my true name. "I was so worried."

My insides flushed with a mixture of surprise and happiness. Emotions were bubbling inside of me. Clawing desperately to be free. Something needed to happen.

I needed to do something.

His sensual breath cascaded upon me and my racing heart pounded. I leaned closer toward him and he shifted his grip on me. My spout was dangerously close to his face and I began to sweat, droplets rushing from my cold, steel kettle body. Gasping, he came closer.

Just as we were about to intimately connect, we were disturbed.

"Um why the fuck are you two even in this coffee shop? I mean yeah, you've played your whole 'I'm the manager' deal but i really don't buy it. So kindly.... Get the fuck out now okay."

The disgusting looking trash of a 'girl', I don't even know what she identifies as, broke us apart. Pyro still held me, his grip tightening in anger at the words spouting from this thing (does she even count as a human?).

"Geeeet ooooouuut!!" She said, stretching out the vowels to her hearts content.

Confusedly, Pyro carried me in his arms away from the wreckage of the window.

I shifted in his grip, so that I was just able to see over his shoulder. As he strode away, she picked up a shard from the floor. She's probably cleaning up... Wait?

Did she just eat some glass?

Coffee Shop // leafyishere fanficWhere stories live. Discover now