I hope you meet those people that know how to take your breath away.
I don't mean the people that make you suffocate because you are biting your tongue trying not to speak. I mean the people you look into their eyes and can't say a word because you are seeing a whole new world for the first time.
I hope you stay with these people and i hope they help transform you into the person you've always wanted to become.
I hope they can give you that look that makes you laugh so hard.
I hope you live your life with these people whose souls never grow old.
I hope they put the biggest smile on your face and the biggest print on your heart because you deserve it.
I hope you meet them and if you do, never ever let them go.
I know I won't.
Inspirational : 365 Days A Year ♥
De Todo"Tu étais la plus belle des fleurs noires" My Kylie, My Lover, My Baby Gurl, My Bae, My Sunshine, My Inspiration, Je te souhaite le plus beau des anniversaires. Aujourd'hui tu as 17 ans. Ca fait 17 ans que tu honores cet univers par ta présence, to...