People are going to do everything they told you they won't do. They're going to talk about people that they hate and then, you'll see them hanging out. They're going to squeeze in many excuses to convince you and you'll end up believing them every single time. You'll get lied to many times and you'll end up forgiving the liars. You'll see the truth but you'll rather stay silent so you don't get into fights with the ones you love. It's time to change, you have to stand up for yourself and think by mind and not by heart.
Inspirational : 365 Days A Year ♥
Diversos"Tu étais la plus belle des fleurs noires" My Kylie, My Lover, My Baby Gurl, My Bae, My Sunshine, My Inspiration, Je te souhaite le plus beau des anniversaires. Aujourd'hui tu as 17 ans. Ca fait 17 ans que tu honores cet univers par ta présence, to...