Chapter 4

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The next morning I slept in. I woke up at twelve in the afternoon, and I was still tired. I finally urged myself to get up and get ready for the day. I showered up and brushed my teeth, then I slipped on a baby blue blouse and a white skirt, along with a pair of white tennis shoes.
I served myself a bowl of Krave cereal and poured milk into the bowl and started eating. It was your average morning, getting ready for the day then eating breakfast and having no plans for the rest of the day except for finding an apartment, or maybe even a small house with at least three guest rooms. Yeah, I daydreamed about having a small house of my own, a lot.
When I finished my cereal, I went outside and leaned against the railing, thinking about Shane, and Church, and - the letter! I forgot about the letter! I mailed it the other day and my grandmother should've received it already. Maybe she was mailing it right now? I didn't know, but I just hoped Shane would call me or I could meet up with him soon. I wanted to make things right with him, and maybe lead him back to Christ. I knew of the perfect place to start looking for him at.
* * *
"Shane McKinney. He's about 5'9, and he has brown hair." I told the man at the front desk. I was at the police department. They were helping me find Shane.
"He's been arrested twice?" asked the man, his long fingers hitting the keys quickly.
"Unfortunately, yes. Did you find him?" I replied.
"Is this him?" he turned the computer screen towards me so I could see.
"Yes!" I answered.
"He lives in Destin, Florida, but he was in Century yesterday. He might still be here. Let me see if I can bring up his exact location." said the helpful man.
"Okay, thank you." I replied, smiling.
After typing for a few more minutes, the man found out that Shane went back to Destin. He also found out Shane's address, and he gave it to me.
"Thanks for everything," I smiled then walked out of the building and got in my car. I was headed for Destin, Florida! I packed a few supplies in case I needed them. Fresh clothes, a tire pump, tools, money, food, etc. After all, I was going to be driving for over an hour. It was still early in the day, but still. At least I found out where Shane was. When I got on the highway, I started praying aloud to myself.

"Dear Jesus, Help me find Shane with no problems. Let me lead him back to You, because he really needs You more than anything. Help me lead him back to You without pressuring him or going too far, and give me the right words to say when I see him. At the hospital it was easy because I didn't know who I was talking to, but I'm probably going to be a nervous wreck when I actually see him and know who I am talking to. Calm my nerves down and let me have a good time with him. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen."

After that I put in a CD with songs by the Paynes on it, and started singing along.

"...I'm a Jesus fan, I'm a Jesus fan, when I think about His mercy, then I've got to lift my hands! So now if you hear me shouting, you'll just have to understand, I can't help but get excited, I'm a Jesus fan!"


"...Angels step back, here I come! I've just got to praise Him, for everything He's done! I've got to cry holy, holy, holy. I've got to shout glory, glory, glory! Angels step back, here I come!"

and a few more. It helped calm my nerves down and it helped me feel at peace, about everything. Shane getting arrested, meeting him and not knowing what to say, having trouble while driving, everything.
After listening to almost the whole CD, I started randomly quoting Bible verses to myself.

"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee. Psalm 119:11."
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31."

Then, I started talking to the Lord, until I finally saw a sign that said, 'Welcome to Destin, Florida,' and I got excited. I looked at the paper the guy that was helping me find Shane gave me and followed the directions to Shane's apartment.
When I saw the apartment, I parked and took a deep breath, then got out of my car and looked up at the building.
"I will not be nervous, I will not be nervous, I will not be nervous." I said, continually, to myself. I walked into the building and walked to the front desk.
"Excuse me," I said, smiling, "where is Shane McKinney's apartment?"
"Up the stairs then walk straight and on the left side, the apartment numbered '305' is his." she replied.
"Thank you," I said and left the desk. I was excited and nervous.
When I saw the apartment numbered '305,' I took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.

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