Chapter 1

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I was slowly walking home from the vacant lot when I saw a blue mustang slowly pulling up beside me. I tried to quicken my pace when I heard the car door open. At this point I was about to bolt when I heard one of the Socs talk, "It's not worth it sweetheart." I whip around and face him -them- there were five of them. Shit. "What the hell do you want?" I ask them calmly. One of them comes over to me and whispers to me, "some fun." I widen my eyes and look at him, then I scream, I hope to god someone heard that, because a second after, the Soc put a handkerchief in my mouth. The other four started to approach me, and they wrestled me to the ground,

One of them got on top of me and pinned me down. He pulled a switchblade on me. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared, but I was destined not to give up. I moved my leg enough, and I was able to ram my Knee into his crotch. I smirked a bit and pushed him off of me. As I was trying to get up, one of the Socs grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me against the tree, two other guys flanking him. I kicked my leg out at the one holding me up, and kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. I quickly took the gag out of my mouth, and got into a bit of a fighting stance. I punched one of the guys as the guy who was once holding me, got his breath back. And now the guy that I kneed in the jewels and the one who helped him came over.

The person who I assumed was the leader of the group punched me dead in the jaw, and I went down. As soon as I hit the ground, I felt someone getting on top of me once more, he had a blade at my throat, which was what made me stop thrashing around. He moved the blade to near my eye, pushed it in far enough to draw blood, and drug it all the way down to my jaw. I felt tears slowly rising, but I choked them down, not wanting to look weak. He put the blade next to my throat again, and pressed it in a bit. I screamed. I just hope someone heard this time, or else I would probably end up close to death.

I heard some shouts and footsteps, behind the Socs, signifying that I've probably been heard. Thank god. They got off of me and started running back to their car. I looked at who basically came to the rescue, and I saw a group of seven boys. Two rushing over to me, and five chasing after the Socs. The two that came over to me asked if I was alright, and helped me up. I said that I was fine and asked what their names were. They were named Ponyboy, who had slicked back brown hair and with greenish grey eyes, and Johnny, a boy with dark hair, tanned skin, and dark eyes.

The five boys who ran after the Socs walked over to us. I glanced over all of the faces until I reached one on the end that was familiar. "Dallas Winston," I said with a bit of a smirk, "long time, no see."

He looked at me and cocked his head to the side and said, "(Y/N) (L/N), how have you been?"

"Seen better days, and you?"

"I've been alright"

You looked around at the rest of the group and asked them for their names. There was Keith who they call Two-Bit, Steve, Sodapop, Darry, and the two boys who already introduced themselves to me. So, my guess is that this is the people in Dally's gang.

"Hi there, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you all," I said to them all with a smile.

Darry invites me over to his, Soda, and Pony's house. The rest of the gang follows close behind me as we begin to walk away from the lot, over to the Curtis brothers' house.

Once we are all settled on the couch at their home, Dally starts dabbing a damp cloth on the cut on my face. He says after a bit, "So, I thought you said that you could take anyone, anytime. Not true?"

I smile and laugh, "Not five Socs at one time, asshole."

We have a bit of small talk and before you know it, it magically jumps from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. They said I could stay for dinner at their house, so I head into their kitchen, along with Darry to offer help cooking. After ten minutes, Two-Bit, Steve, And Johnny left, leaving only me and the four boys. Another ten minutes later, dinner is finally finished up and we all sit down by the TV, that is playing cartoons, to eat. We finish up, and Soda and Pony do dishes.

I get up and start to leave, when Darry hollers to me, "If you ever need somewhere to stay, the door's always open. You're a part of the gang now (Y/N)." I yell back a thanks, and walk away from the house. I start to head to my own home, but figuring that my mother is probably drunk, I don't need her beating. So, I start walking to the lot.

Once I get to the a trunk of a where I stashed a blanket, and sit down. I pull out a blanket and just sit there for a long while, just looking up at the stars and thinking about everything that happened today. Sure I got jumped, but I met up with an old buddy, and got now have a group of friends.

After many hours, I get up and stretch my limbs. I put my blanket back into the tree, and head home. When I walk into the door, I quickly head up to my room, and turn on the light. I take off all of my clothes, and put on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized tee shirt. By the time I get to sleep, it's three in the morning. Just lovely.

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