Chapter 6

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I get back to the Curtis house, and see Johnny and Pony leaving the house, but no Dallas . I jog up to them, and they turn around, and smile at me.

I smile back and ask jokingly, "Where's the hood?"

They laugh a bit, then Pony says, "Well, if you'd pay more attention, you'd see that he is right behind you."

My eyes widen, and I turn around. I look up at his eyes, he smirks, and I feel like I'm dying inside. I whip around and start walking quickly, leading the way. I hear the boys behind me laughing, and I blush a bit. They follow behind me, and because of their slow pace, I decide to make it interesting, and I run. Pretty much the entire way there. I can hear Pony behind me, but that doesn't bother me. I get to the hole in the fence, and I sit there. Pony gets there a second later, and he sits next to me.

It takes a while before Dally and Johnny show up.  But when they do, its dark enough to go in. We walk to the seats, and I notice two Socs in front of the only four open seats. One is a red head, the other a brunette. Great they're both beautiful girls, so Dal will obviously hit on them. And, I can tell that he sees them, because of  the minor change I  his walk, and the only reason I know that is because he used to do that in New York. We sit in the seats, and Dally is noticeably eyeing up the girls.

I lean up and whisper in the red head's ear, "I'm sorry for what Dallas is gonna do in like two minutes."

She turns and looks at me the tiniest bit, and whispers, "Thanks for the forewarning, I guess."

I just nod and sit back. Dally looks at me with a weird look, and I smirk. He isn't gonna get me to tell him what I said to her, but I at least know that she's prepared for it, and almost like a clock, two minutes after I told her about him, he makes his first move. The red head glances at me a bit, and I smirk while raising my one eyebrow a bit, as if saying, 'I told you so.'

After a while of Dally getting turned down, he goes to get cokes and popcorn. I follow him to help carry everything, and after we're out of earshot of the girls, I start laughing hysterically. Dally glares at me a bit because he knows its at him. By the time we're up to order, the movie has started, and I've calmed down. We get everything ordered within two minutes, and were both carrying two cokes, and a popcorn. I hand Pony the popcorn, and Johnny one of the cokes, and then sit down. I see Dal give the brunette the popcorn, and the red head one of the cokes. What surprises me is what she did with it. She takes it looking grateful,  and when Dally glances at me, she throws it on him.

Once the coke hits him, I see his eyes flash with anger. I jump up, and put my hand over his mouth, before he can yell anything. he knocks me off of him, and I hit the ground with a hard thud. My eyes widened, and suddenly I was somewhat scared. I didn't think that he would ever try to hurt me. Even if this was an accident, then he would've apologized, not just walked away. My eyes harden, and I get up. Both of the girls are looking at me worriedly, and the boys look surprised. Pony starts to get up, But I wave him off. I sit back in my seat, and turn my attention to the red head.

I smirk a bit then say, "Well, throwing the coke on him was a pretty shitty move, but you can't say I didn't warn you about him hitting on you two."

She smiles, "Thanks for the warning, but jumping on him wasn't the smartest idea on your part."

I shake my head and let out a dry laugh, "I would rather him hurt me, than an innocent soul."

She looks a bit confused, but shakes it off, then says to all three of us  and says, "Well, Why don't you three come up here and sit next to us. Be our protectors."

The boys nod, but I shake my head, and say, "I'm waiting for a friend," she nods, understanding. I continue," My names (y/n) by the way, the two boys are Johnny and Ponyboy."

She smiles, "I'm Cherry, and this is Marcia"

I nod, "Pleasure to meet you both."

They both smile at me, then turn to talk to the two boys, who are now sitting next to them. Part way into the second movie, Two sits next to me. I smile at him, and he sneaks up on Johnny, making the poor boy scared shitless. I slap Two, and he apologizes to Johnny.

When Two sits down agan, I quietly ask him, "Do you have an extra switch on you? I left mine at home."

He nods, gets it out, and hands it to me. I whisper a thank you, and once the movie ends, I say goodbye to them all and I go off on my own. I decide that before I end up goining home, I go to the park, and sit by a bunch of trees. And after about an hour, I drift off to sleep.

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