Chapter 5

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*(Y/N) pov*

I wake up on the Curtis brothers' house the next morning. I sit up and stretch my arms and legs, soon after, I see Two-Bit walk out of Darry's room. I wiggle my eyebrows at him, and he glares at me. I start laughing, and Two tackles me of the couch. I laugh, and start trying to get him off of me. When I get my leg out from being pinned, I start knee just by him in the butt.

Dally walks in as I'm doing this he starts laughing at us.  I knee him in the ass one more time, and he finally moves his hand off of my right wrist.  I put my hand to his throat , and push him back. He lets go of me, and falls back, coughing. I stand up, wipe off the imaginary dust, and give an innocent smile.

"Hey, guys, I'm gonna head out. I have shit to do. Don't be surprised if you don't see me for a while," I say, then leave the house. Dallas looks like he's bout to follow me, but I run. I run all the way home, and when I get inside my house, the  smell of alcohol immediately hits me. Well, shit. I walk up to my room, and when I'm almost inside the room, I hear my mother behind me.

"And where have you been?" she asks with  hateful look.

"At a friend's house, I'm sorry," I say backing up the slightest bit.

"You don't have any friends, they all left you. Don't you remember?"

A tear falls from my eye, and she smiles. She wants me to hurt.

She looks me dead in the eye and says, "Ya know, I'm kinda jealous of everyone who's left. I mean they don't have to be near you."

she keeps saying more hurtful things to me, then she finally hits me. I'd honestly rather get beat than have to hear all of that being said. She keeps punching and kicking me till I'm almost passed out, then she walks away. I pull myself into my room, and lock my door. Then more tears come, and they don't stop. I just let them fall and fall and fall, until the darkness takes over me.

*time skip three days later*

I haven't seen any of the gang at all for the past three days. I've mostly been staying at home the entire time. My mom was quite pleased to say the least. I cleaned the entire house, made her a bunch of food, and even did all of her laundry that was laying around. Today, I think I might go over to the Curtis house, but I'll need to cover up the minor bruises on my face.

I do some quick tidying up, and make my mom a fresh meal for when she wakes up. I run into my room, and put on a pair of black jeans, a navy blue long sleeve shirt, and my leather jacket. I cover up my bruises with some makeup, and put some quick swipes of mascara and eyeliner on to look more like myself. I throw on my combat boots and run out the door. I head over to the gas station near by, and buy a cup of coffee. I walk straight over to the Curtis house, sipping my coffee along the way.

I get there quick enough, and stop right outside their gate. Then, I push it open and head straight inside. When I walk in, the only person that's awake and moving around is Two-Bit. He looks up at the door, and his eyes widen as soon as he sees me. He runs over to me, and gives me a huge hug. I hug him back, and he pulls away a minute later.

"Where've you been, (Y/N)?" he asks.

"Just moving stuff around at my house, and cleaning everything." I say.

He just nods, and goes back to whatever he was doing. I go over to the couch and sit down, slowly sipping my coffee. I turn on the television, then in waltzes Dallas, right though the front door. He smiles and waves. He the heads over to Two, and they talk in hushed tones. I don't bother to eavesdrop, and turn my attention back to the television.

 The gang slowly leaks in, and we all have a bit of small talk. Dally, Pony, and Johnny talk about going to the Nightly Double. I say that I'll tag along, and Two says he will if he doesn't get too drunk. We talk some more and say that we'll head out in an hour. I just nod, and go home to change.

When I get home, I cook my mom a new meal, and then I change into an old sweatshirt from my brother that's still too big for me. Then I head back to the Curtis house to meet up with the boys.

(A/N) Hello everyone. I know that it's been a long while since I've updated this story, but school has finally let out, and I no longer have finals to worry about for this year. I hope you liked this chapter, and I hope to update again really soon. Thank you all so much for reading. Stay awesome possums <3

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