°Yer A Wizard, Marky Pt. 1°

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((i found this edit and was inspired, especially since im a Slytherin, so that's what the reader will be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯))

((and i don't think my title for this could've been any lamer tbh))

Year 1

"Come on, Donny!" You bounced up and down excitedly, pulling your older brother down Diagon Alley. You were going to be a first year this year, while he was already a fifth year.

"Y/N." He stopped you, bending down to pull money out of his satchel. "Here, you go shopping on your own, we'll meet at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes when we're done, okay?"

((this obviously takes place after harry's adventures))

"Okay!" You yelled excitedly, dashing off into the crowd.

"Get your school supplies first!" He called after you.

Looking up at everything in awe, you decided to head into Ollivander's first, the thought of getting a new wand was so exciting. The shop was musty and seemed empty, except for a boy standing in the corner nervously.

"Hi! Are you going to be a first year?" You asked him.

"Yes, are you?" He replied, fiddling with his shirt.

"Yep! I'm Y/N, by the way." You stuck a hand out to him, which he shook.

"I'm Mark, its nice to meet you."

Just then, an old man came out from the back of the shop, peering at you both. "Oh, the Y/L/N daughter, and the youngest Fischbach son. It seems as though I just sold your brothers their wands. Donny Y/L/N, with his 9 inch walnut with unicorn tail, and Tom Fischbach, 11 1/4 inch birch, with phoenix feather."

You and Mark looked at each other before the old man scanned through the shelves and extracted a slim box. "Here, try this one, mister."

Taking it in his hand, he could immediately shook his head. The shopkeeper pulled out box after box and wand after wand, clearly making Mark feel embarrassed that he was prolonging you getting you own wand. Finally, Ollivander gave him one that made him grin.

"This one. I like this one."

"Ah yes, 10 inches acacia with phoenix feather. I'm sensing a core theme in your family." He smiled before searching deep in the back for a wand for you.

Mark waited around for you, which made you happy, you didn't want to leave the boy just yet. Ollivander seemed unsure as he handed you the first wand. You flicked it, causing a shelf of wands to fall over. One slid right to your foot.

"I wonder." You muttered, picking it up as Ollivander tried collecting the boxes. It immediately sent a warm tingle through your body, and it just felt right. Flicking your wrist like you did before, your eyes widened when the boxes flew back up on the shelf neatly.

"Ah! How peculiar..." Ollivander stared intensely at you and your wand. "12 3/4 inch acacia with dragon heartstring. Now, it's not unusual for wands to have wood from the same tree, but both of yours came from a tree that was owned by the late Albus Dumbledore. The only magic wood it ever yielded before its' owner perished."

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