°Yer A Wizard, Marky Pt. 3°

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((if someone gets me that shirt i will wear it everyday tbh))

Recommended Song(s) For This Imagine:
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
Fallout - Marianas Trench

Year 4

"Mark! Mark!" You yelled after your friend in the halls of Hogwarts. "Wait up!"

He turned around and stopped to let you catch up, a smile on his face as you weaved through the crowd. "Hey Y/N."

"Guess what!" You were buzzing with excitement.


"You have to promise to be quiet about it." You whispered, pulling him aside. "But, Lily told me that Hugo is planning on asking me to the end of year ball!"

"Wow. Really?" He scratched his head, apparently bothered about something. "Isn't that uh- only for fifth years and above?"

"Fourth years can go if someone older than them asks! Hugo is a fifth year!"

"Right." Mark sighed, rubbing his head. "I'll see you later, Y/N, I've gotta study for OWLs."

"I'll go with you!" You offered.


Wide-eyed, you watched him walk away from you, and noticed that his hair changed to a bright orange as he turned the corner.

Year 5

Mark and you had become distant since the end of fourth year. He had seemed to completely forgotten about you, either studying in his dorm, or hanging out with his Hufflepuff friends Daniel and Ryan and his Ravenclaw friend Matt.

This bothered you, but you distracted yourself with Hugo and some of the other Weasley/Potters. One day as you sat with Lily and Rose outside, you could see Hugo nervously walk over to you.

"Hey." You smiled up at him. "What's up?"

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Lily, Rose, do you- do you mind?"

You anxiously watched them walk away, and Hugo take their seat next to you. He took your hands in his, and you were growing more worried by the second. "Y/N, look, you are amazing. Truly amazing. But I really don't think things are just going to work out. I am sorry."

And without a word from you, he left. Tears welled in your eyes, and you dashed back to your common room. Your head was down so you couldn't see anyone around you, until you ran smack into someone. "Sorry." You mumbled, continuing on, but the person grabbed your hand.

"Y/N? What happened?" The person was Mark, and he looked kindly at you.

Daniel, Ryan, and Matt were with him, so you were reluctant to answer, instead avoiding eye contact. "Nothing." You shrugged.

He turned to his friends, asking them to go. They obliged, leaving you and Mark in the empty hallway. "Y/N, please. Was it Hugo?"

You simply nodded, and allowed your friend to envelope you in his arms. With no restraint, you cried into his robes and choked out the story. "I-I was so stupid. So goddam stupid."

"Hey. Listen to me." Mark stroked your hair. "You are not stupid. He's the stupid one to have given you up, okay?"

You nodded, and he sighed in relief. "Now come on, I know a couple Hufflepuffs and a Ravenclaw who would love to meet you."

Before he could lead you to wherever his friends went, you kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Mark. For everything."

His hair changed to a pale red, just like his cheeks. "No problem, Y/N."

Year 6

"Y/N," your roommate Lydia shook you awake.

"What?" You rubbed your eyes.

"Ian says Mark isn't talking to anyone. He hasn't left the common room all night."

"Oh no." You rolled out of bed to walk down the stairs.

In the common room, Mark was sitting on a couch staring at the fire while Ian was leaning on a wall. He pushed off the wall to walk over to you. "Do you think you can help him? He refuses to talk to me."

"I'll try my best."

"Thanks Y/N." He walked up the staircase to the boys' dorm.

You sat beside your friend, looking at him quizzically. His hair was a deep red instead of the normal black he kept it as. "What's up, Markimoo?"

He threw his arms around you, sobbing. "It's my parents, they say they'll be proud of me, no matter what. But I know they hate that I'm a Slytherin! They wanted another Gryffindor, I'm just a disappointment."

"Hey, hey. Calm down." You stroked his hair and rubbed his back. "I'm sure they still love you. They're your parents."

"My Gryffindor parents."

"You know who you've never disappointed?"


"Me and your house. And you know who's always going to be proud of you, no matter what?"


You nodded. "And your house. We're your family, and we'll always take care of you."

He sniffled, taking his arms from around you to run a hand through his hair, the scarlet changing to a brilliant Slytherin green. "Thank you, Y/N."

"You're welcome, Markimoo." You poked his sides, causing him to laugh. "Ah! There's your smile!"

"Yeah." He seemed to be lost in thought for a second, then his focus shot up to you. "Y/N, I can tell you anything right?"


"Well, um, you see, I've liked this girl for a while. We've been through so much together, but I don't know how to tell her."

"I suggest with words."

He rolled his eyes at your suggestion. "I'm being serious!"

"So am I! Just tell her how you feel."

"I'll try."

Year 7

You were worried.

Mark hadn't written to you for the past month, and you didn't see him at King's Cross. He wasn't in your compartment, or at the Slytherin table at Hogwarts.

You went around asking as many questions as you could, but nobody had answers for you.

You sent an owl to your brother, who was working with Mark's brother at the Ministry of Magic. Apparently Mark had walked out of the house over the summer as soon as he turned 17 and none of his family had heard from him since.

You were furious.

Nobody even seemed fazed at his disappearance, just uncomfortable whenever you brought him up. You still tried to write to him, but your owl always came back with your letter in her claws. She couldn't find Mark.

One night you got fed up with it, and stormed out of the common room when Ian said he was actually kinda glad Mark was gone. You had made up your mind:

You were going to find Mark,

or die trying.

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