°Yer A Wizard, Marky Pt. 2°

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Year 2

"I think I'm going to be going out for Quidditch this year!" Mark announced on the train back to Hogwarts for your second year.

"Really?" You raised an eyebrow. "What position?"


Narrowing your eyes at the determination on his face, you remembered that his brother was Gryffindor's Keeper.

"Okay, I think I'm going to try out as well."

He perked up at this. "What position?"

You took a moment to contemplate, then thought back to your dad's days at Hogwarts. "Seeker."

On the field for tryouts, you gripped your broom tightly in your hand, nervously looking around at the other hopeful prospects and older kids already on the team.

"Listen up!" Albus Potter, the team captain announced, with Scorpius and the rest of the team standing beside him. "We lost many valuable players last year. Our Seeker, Keeper, a Beater, and two Chasers. We are looking for you all to fill in their slots and bring us back to victory. Yeah?"

"Yeah!" You echoed.

Tryouts were vigorous and tough, but at the end, Albus announced who had made it. "Our new Chasers are Ian Westaker, and Alice Holte. The new Beater is Ken Michaels."

The three kids congratulated each other, and you clung onto Mark's arm as the captain cleared his throat to announce the Keeper and Seeker. "Keeper's position has been awarded to Mark Fischbach!"

His jaw dropped, and you hugged him tightly as Albus continued on. "Finally, our Seeker will be... Y/N Y/L/N!"

You had to hold in your screams of excitement, opting instead to jump about, high-fiving Mark and your other new teammates.

At your first game of the year, you were versing Gryffindor. A surge of confidence swelled in your chest as you stepped out on the field in your uniform, Albus and Scorpius in front of you, and Mark beside you.

"You ready, Mark?" You asked him, looking up at the people in the stadium.

His eyes were on the Gryffindor's Keeper, his brother, across the field. "Absolutely."

As Albus gave the go-ahead to get on the field, Mark's hair was momentarily a light blonde, mimicking Scorpius's in front of him.

Partway through the game, your eyes scanned the field for the Golden Snitch, and so was Gryffindor's seeker, Lily. As you looked for the Snitch, you had completely stopped watching the game. You were oblivious to the other players until something slammed into your side, sending you off of your broom.

Screams emitted from your mouth, both from pain and surprise. As you fell, you could see the Golden Snitch hovering just in front of you. Stretching your arm out towards it, spots started forming in your vision from the pain in your side. Your fingers wrapped around it just as you were sure you were going to hit the ground.

But you didn't.

A pair of arms had caught you, and you looked at the owner confused. "Mark?"

Your friend's eyebrows were furrowed with worry as he guided the broom to the ground. "Bloody hell, Y/N, are you okay?"

Before you could answer, your teammates flooded you, cheering excitedly that you had caught the Snitch.

"Hey, Fischbach!" Albus barked, quieting the others. "You left the posts!"

Your friend gulped, turning to face the captain. Just then, his stern glare broke into a grin. "And saved Y/N! That was so awesome! And Y/N, you caught the Snitch! As you were falling! Which is even more awesome!"

You smiled, clutching your side and leaning against Mark. "Can I go see Madam Abbott now?"

"Oh god, of course!"

Year 3

"What do you mean you're not going to Hogsmeade?" You just about yelled in frustration in the library, earning several shushes.

"I mean," Mark whispered from where he sat next to you. "My parents didn't sign my Hogsmeade slip."

"But they signed your brother's slip when he was a third year!"

"I know!"

You slumped down in your chair, defeated. "This sucks."

"Hey," he put his arm around you. "I never said I wasn't going."

"But your parents didn't sign your slip?"


The next day, McGonagall herded all the students going to Hogsmeade out of the castle. You walked beside Lydia, Lily, and Scorpius, wrapping your coat even tighter around you against the chilling wind.

At Hogsmeade, Lydia left you to catch up with her Hufflepuff friends, and soon after Lily and Scorpius wandered off together. You stood at the edges of the town, watching everyone have fun. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed your shoulder and pulled you behind a tree. You made a noise of surprise, but relaxed when you saw that it was just Mark.

"Jeez, you scared me!" You caught your breath. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was actually planning on going to Honeyduke's." He grinned. "You coming with?"

At the shops, you couldn't help but be nervously giddy. Mark wasn't supposed to be here, but you were having so much fun. You had gotten a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, with new flavors. Sitting down with Mark, you decided to each pull out a purple one.

"Okay, so it's either grape or- ew, quill ink." You announced, holding yours uncertainly. "One, two three!"

Immediately, you could tell it wasn't grape, and spit it out. Mark was happily chewing his, and his hair was a bright purple. "I believe victory tastes like artificial grape!"

You stuck your tongue out at him, and pulled out another color to try.

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