°Pirates of the Caribbean AU Pt.1°

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((i really wanted to write another royal AU then i thought of this))

Recommended Song(s) For This Imagine:
Forget Me Not - Marianas Trench

Mark Fischbach, son of the esteemed governor, was sitting out on his father's ship watching as the crew navigated through the rubble of a sunken ship.

"Pirates." One of the crew members grumbled. The man was a middle-aged fellow who always seemed to have a stench of alcohol coming off him, even though drinking on duty was forbidden. Gibbs always made him feel uneasy, in the ten years of Mark's life and now his incessant grumbling about pirates was making the boy nervous.

"You don't know that, Gibbs. It could have been an accident." Mark's father spoke up, guiding Mark way from the bearded man.

"It was a merchant ship, relatively unarmed." A different man spoke up. He was a Captain in the Royal Army and helped to protect the East Indian Trading Company from pirates. "Bloody pirates."

"Captain Norrington, please, I don't want all this talk of pirates to upset my son." Governor Fischbach pleaded.

"He will grow up and have to deal with this one day."

Mark shook his head, walking over to the side of the ship to watch the floating rubble. He saw something startling though, it seemed as though there was a young kid laying on a piece of driftwood. "There's a kid, there's a kid!" He yelled out, pointing in the water. "A boy!"

The crewmen lifted the kid up and out of the water, laying him on the deck. Mark leaned down to roll him over, and brushed the short hair out of his face. To his surprise, the petite features of a little girl showed through. "It's a girl!" He leaned down to press his ear to her chest, and to his relief he heard a heartbeat. "She's still alive!"

Mark followed as a crew member carried the girl into the captain's room. He lit the fireplace and wrapped cloth around the girl in an attempt to warm her up. Suddenly, she shot up, coughing and panicked. "Calm down, you're okay!" Mark assured her, and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "My name's Mark, you're on a boat belonging to the Royal Navy. We're going to protect you."

She relaxed a bit, laying back on the couch. "My name's Y/N Y/L/N."

"That's a very pretty name."

"Thanks Mark." Y/N mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

Messing around further with her hair, he couldn't imagine why her parents would cut her hair so short, it definitely wasn't how he'd seen any other girls his age have their hair. Then, he saw something golden shine from underneath her damp shirt.

Turning the pendent in his hand, he saw a skull with ornate designs around it. "You're... a pirate!" He gasped.

He began panicking, what was he supposed to do? He didn't want to turn this little girl in as a pirate and have her sent to the gallows, that was for sure. As Mark kept looking at the pendent, the squeak of the cabin door opening caused him to roughly rip it off Y/N's neck and stuff it in his back pocket after he turned around. The person that had enter was Captain Norrington, accompanied by Mr. Gibbs.

"Mark, how is she?" Did you get any information from her?" The captain asked, clearly wanting to know about the pirate attack on the merchant vessel.

"She's getting warmed up, and she told me her name is Y/N Y/L/N before she passed out again." Mark informed him quickly, and Gibbs narrowed his eyes at the two children.

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