Training Part:1

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Back to Lucy and Juvia

Juvia's POV

"Ok Lov- I mean Lucy first lets practice being one with the water"I instructed Lucy,"How will I do that?"Lucy asked,"You must find inner peace imagine something that puts you in peace"I advised,"Ok"Lucy replied,Hmmm I wonder what Lucy is thinking could it be her home or a special guy,her friends?I thought to myself then snapped back to reality and saw that Lucy's whole body was now transparent and made out of water,"Well done Lucy!"I complimented,"Thanks Juvia!but how do I change back to my normal form?"Lucy asked with a smile on her face,"Easy,Just think of your normal form"I advised kindly,"Ok!"Lucy said cheerfully and with that she turned back to normal then I thought her every basic Water magic until we ended,"Great Job Lucy!Now you know all the basic water magic!"I told Lucy,"Thanks Juvia!soo can we rest now?"Lucy asked,"yes we may"I replied,"Yay!"Lucy rejoiced then we headed back to the guild,hmmm I wonder what made her have inner peace hmmm could it be Natsu?I thought to myself while we were on our way back to the guild......

Lucy's POV

As we headed back to the guild I felt Like I was blushing but why?Probably because of what happened earlier if your wondering what I was thinking of to find inner peace it was Natsu,I don't know why but I'm always at peace with Natsu...You'll know what I mean tomorrow If I pass though....

Hayo hope you enjoyed this chapter and find out if Lucy passes her next training on the next day!!

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