You're My Dragon Slayer

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Warning:this will be a long chapter full of Nalu so prepare to be amazed...XD This Chapter has 2 parts coz its so long...

PART 1!❤

Mira & Lissana's POV
{Its about their plan...}

"So Mira what you're going to do is tell Natsu and Lucy that there's an emergency at the guild and that will make them hurry to the guild as fast as they can but let Natsu come first he needs to be the one to be sitting down at the table we set up"Lissana instructs,"Did you tell everyone except Natsu and Lucy about the plan?"Mira asks,"Yup"Lissana replies "Good now lets get started!"Mira exclaimed and rushed off.....

Natsu's POV

It was a boring yet happy night for me,I'm bored for some reason but I'm happy that Lucy's back,I just stared at the ceiling for a long time then I heard a knock at my door so I stood up from my bed to see who it was,as I opened the door I saw Mira who looked troubled,"Hey Mira,what's the matter?"I asked concerned,"We have an emergency at the guild!"Mira replies,"What?!"I screamed,I ran as fast as I could going to the guild until I reached it,It seems awfully quite though so I entered the guild to see nothing but pitch black except a table and two chairs with a candle light in the center and there was....FOOD! so I went to take a seat and I saw a note that says
Wait for someone before eating the food .............
"What?!what the hell is this?!"I exclaimed,*sigh*
"Lets get this over with"......................

Lucy's POV

"It sure is one cold night"
I mumbled to myself staring out my window at the empty streets it was almost midnight bit I couldn't sleep thinking of how much better this be if I had something to warm me,but all I thought was Natsu,I lay in my bed trying to think about the past few days of training,and how I missed most of it....but as I closed my eyes I heard a sudden knock on the door,so I went to see who it was and as I slowly opened the door I saw it was Mira,But she had a troubled look as if she saw a ghost!,"Mira are you alright?"I questioned concerned about her,"We have an Emergency at the guild!"Mira exclaimed,"What?!what happened?!"I replied,"No time to explain lets go!!"Mira said back,so we ran going to the guild as fast as we could,"It seems awfully quite don't you think Mira?"I asked but no answer came so I turned around to check on Mira but she wasn't there"Mira?!Mira..?!"I called but no answer...
So I decided to go inside the guild to see Natsu but no one else....

Before Mira,Natsu and Lucy came.....

Lissana's POV

I was arranging everything for the plan and everyone in the guild knows about it except Natsu and Lucy,The plan is two get the two together,so we decided to trick them into thinking that there's a emergency here at the guild ,but when they arrive its all dark and the only thing visible will be a table and two chairs with a candle light in the center and Wait hmmm... I think I'll let you guys guess what would happen throughout this night.....

Back to Natsu & Lucy...

Natsu's POV

"Lucy?!"Natsu exclaimed,
"Uh hey Natsu"I replied unsure of whats going on,"You're the 'person' who I was waiting for?"Natsu replied confused,"Uh what do you mean?"I asked,confused of what Natsu had said,"When I came here I saw this table and Chairs here and
There was a note that says Wait for someone before eating the food..."
Natsu explained,"What?!,Hmm this seems suspicious"I replied,"By the way wheres Mira?"Natsu questioned,"I have no idea on minute she was following me from the back and the next thing I know she's gone"I answered still worried about her and yet it seems so suspicious why would anyone leave some kind of candle light dinner?..I went into a deep thought for awhile "Do you think Something happened to her?"Natsu spoke,"Not sure..."I replied back,"Well we've got nothing to do here so lets just eat the food and go we wouldn't want to waste it..."Natsu continued with his signature toothy grin...he sat down and started eating,all I did was nod and then I sat down and I started eating as well,then I heard a sudden sound as if someone was locking a door,"hey Natsu did you hear that?"I asked a bit scared,"Hmm What?,Oh I'm sure its just the wind"He replied it made me calm me down a bit,*sigh*"I guess your right"I smiled....
...........As soon as we finished eating we stood up and walked up to the door so we could go home but as Pushed the door to open it,it wouldn't open,"It wouldn't budge!"I started panicking,"Calm down Lucy its gonna be ok"........
Natsu....he's sweet words calmed me down...

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