Its A War Then...

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Lucy's POV
Master had a serious look on his face and said "We Have an unexpected Arrival"But what did he mean?why so serious?Isn't it just a harmless visit?unless...its a War?No wh-why would anyone want to attack?Have we met them before?is it someone we have dealt with in the past?I'm so confused,Well lets just hear what Master has to say...

Natsu's POV
Huh?what does Gramps mean?Unexpected Arrivals?
And why does he look so serious?I looked over at Lucy who looked like she went into a deep thought,whats she thinking about?and Turns out even if I went into a deep thought as well....
That is until Master spoke,"Were Going to Have a War!"Everyone was now whispering to each oother,"With Who Master?"Levy asked,"I don't know who,it was just a dark figure..."Master replied,everyone kept on whispering,Master then went back into his office,I looked back at Lucy which in fact was still in deep thought,I walked over at her and waved my Hands over her face trying to get her back to reality,when she finally snapped back to reality I asked,"What were you thinking about?you were in a really deep thought Luce"She seemed nervous,"Well you know how I missed training Right?Luce asked,"Well yeah,Why?"I replied,I was confused,"Well its war and I'm not ready..."Luce said nervously,"Oh Yeah,I guess we haven't thought about that..."I replied while scratching the back of my head,Lucy's right she has missed training and isn't prepared,what are we gonna do?"Don't worry we'll figure something out"I said comforting her,she smiled at me and said"You're right Natsu,I should,I should just come down"Lucy sat down at the bar stool so I just sat next to her and we talked......

What dya guys think?!Is it Good or Terrible?I don't know But Anyway I Hope You Liked this Chapter its been so long since I updated but Heres an update,Hope You Enjoyed and See you on The next Update Byeeeee.....❤❤❤❤

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