Glad You're Back....

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Lucy's POV

The next day I decided to drop by the guild so Natsu wouldn't worry anymore....

Natsu's POV

"Where's Lucy..."I mumbled to myself,I started worrying about her until the doors opened.......

Lucy's POV

I slowly opened the door to make sure no-one will see me but as I shut the door I felt two strong arms around me,I stood there frozen,shocked at what happened and I realized that it was Natsu who hugged me,"Hey Natsu...."I said in a low tone,at first he looked worried then he just hugged me back,"I'm sorry...."He whispered softly into my ear,But I just didn't get it why would he be sorry it wasn't he's fault it was mine,"Natsu it wasn't your fault,I'm the one who should say sorry"I replied,"but-"I cut him off saying"But-its all in the past"I continued,Natsu nodded signaling that he understood,Then Wendy came over and greeted,"Ohayo Lucy-san,Good to see you again"she gave a sweet smile,"Hi Wendy,Sorry I missed the training,its ok Lucy-san,Besides Natsu told me what happened"Wendy reassured,I just smiled back......

Natsu's POV

I was glad that Lucy was back,and her normal self again,"Hey Natsu,Hey Lucy,"I heard two girls greet us,when we turned around we realized it was Lissana and Mira,"Hey Guys"we both greeted them back,"glad you're back Lucy,I'm sure that Natsu is glad as well"they both said,smirking,we both blushed at the statement,"well see ya later"and at that they both walked away....


Lucy:whats the matter?"

Natsu:I'm hungry.....

Lucy & Me:-_-

Me:that was the most beautiful NALU moment I've ever wrote(T^T)...


Me:Ohh so you do like,I meam looooveee Natsu...~(^-^~)

Lucy:What no!...I didn't say that...!!(><)

Me:Oh really then why is your emoji like that?😏

Lucy:Uh-Uh......I gotta go I um...Have some errands to run,uh bye!!

Me:Hey come back here I'm not done with you yet!!😬You'll admit it soon enough!!


Yes Lissana ships NALU

Hope you enjoyed!!

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