Calm Just for a Minute

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Hi guys so heres un Update so this will probably be short coz its Saturday and its 9:30 in the evening and I am still doing other stuff
anywho,heres the update hope you enjoy!See you at the end of these chappie!

Lucy's POV

My whole body was shaking out of fear,eyes all on Master Makarov but at least they aren't shaking out of fear like me,I'm a coward I don't deserve to be in this guild,but I have to do whatever it takes to help them after all they all have helped before when I had problems,they would always cheer me up,I smiled at the thought of it all of the great memories she had with the guild,"You okay Luce?"I heard Natsu,"Huh?"I replied back,"You were like smiling to your self,its looks weird"He said with his toothy grin,"Hey!I'm not weird!"I folded my arms and put my tongue out,"You're cute when you're mad"Natsu commented,"eh?"I slightly blushed at what he said,"T-Thanks?I guess"I replied bag Natsu smiled and he sat next to me he place his arm around me and I just leaned on his shoulder,For once I was calm,Natsu always made me calm he always looked out for me,and I had forgotten all about the up coming war,Until...

JK✌ SORRY Very Busy still and I still have a little bit of writers block so I hope you understand and I hope you liked the chapt.!

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