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Camila's POV:

I don't like talking to people

The only times I do is when I'm buying something and I have to talk to the cashier or the teachers in my high school. I don't like socializing.

My one and only best friend dinah, is an exception she has been with me since preschool. Now we live in an apartment in Miami. its small but it fits our personality and big houses scare me i always think big houses have a scary story behind it but i know its all in my head. me and dinah are both bi but we are both on the girls side more even tho we both have never had a actual girlfriend. we are each others wing woman me and her go on dates every once and a while but the never last.

Me and dinah have never have had anything sexually together even tho people assume we do. i mean we live together and only talk to each other, who wouldn't assume that. School is just filled with annoying people who think they now everything it gets tiering. Thankfully i have all classes with her and i have nothing to worry about because i sit with her in every class.

I have great hopes for senior year and it being the last free school year. I am expecting a scholarship but thats at the end of the year so i am saving up. Me and dinah both have 2 jobs each. we have to pay for light, water, food , clothes, and gas. I already payed for the car and house when i lived with my parents so i only have some things to worry about but it all add up to a lot at the end of the month.

So here i am walking in the hallways of this horrible hormonal creature cage we call high school with dinah 7th period . our school has 8 periods each period is 52 min, there is 2 lunches and each is 30 min . 9-10 and some 11th graders have 1st lunch while 12th and the other 11th graders have advisory. Then we 12th and some 11th graders have lunch and they have advisory so it just rotates. After me and dinah had lunch [6th period] we were walking to our lockers and walked through multiple people making out. what the hell its the 2 week of school but like i said hormonal creatures. like the people here have to cill all they do is jump on any one that looks ant them and I'm taking about the sexual kind they annoy me sometimes. somehow this place knows about my not so little friend down their and most girls want me because of that. sex thats all they want.

Me and dinah split up because her locker is like 7 away. while i was there the locker the locker next to me that was normally empty was wide open. I saw a girls shoes and jeans and i was trying to see her face but i couldn't because it was blocked by the locker and some girl named Normani came i know her because she's in my math, english, and p.e classes and because dinah has been crushing on her since middle school came and made her tun around. I find sad because dinah really like her and dinah being shy but intimidating has never made a move on her i find it funny too because i know normani has a thing for Dinah i try to give dinah signals that normani likes here but this smart ass can't get it. I call it norminah but dinah hates it when i refer her and normoni that, its my otp and i would kill for it but I'm trying to give dinah her space so she can have the courage to talk to her .I opened my locker and gabbed my notebook and closed my locker i heard them normni and the girl talking but i didn't want to be spying on them so i walked to Dinah's locker.

when i saw her she was staring back at normani. she has a tendency to do this i rolled my eyes and clapped in her face she didn't respond. i hate when this happens i have to shake her until she answers.

" her ass " she mumbles i swear that girl has a serious obsession with normani.

" stop eye fucking her she's gonna get uncomfortable , oh wait you did do that once in every grade that you ever passed" i teased "at least don't make it obvious you do it every day she probably knows already because of you" she still hasn't responded so i went with the more fun way " ok I'm gonna tell her you love her if you don't stop" i was about to walk over there , i think she knows i don't have the guts to but i mean i can scare her. age grabbed my hand and pulled he back.

"ok ok ill stop but she's soo beautiful" she exaggerated the word beautiful. "she didn't do it back tho i think she doesn't like me and thinks I'm a weirdo" she said with sad eyes.

"finally i agree with you on something about normani. but how do you know, you barley talk to herald when you do you make a fool of yourself. you have to be brave and talk to her, please i hate seeing you sad when you see her talking with other boys and girls." i pleaded her giving her my signature puppy eyes.

" oh come on not those eyes " she said i did them again and in her face "oh fine ill talk to her but that don't mean now i have to prepare myself" she sighed

"yes!" i happily hollered softly. "well I'm happy ill be planing the wedding in the next few days and get back at you" i teased her. I like to tease her about every day its our thing i like to keep our friendship fun since we only have each other.

"ok whatever mila lets go were gonna be late" the said pulling my hand heading to our english class. the teacher is pretty chill and never gives up homework so i like it.

When we got there every one was to the sides, witch means new assigned seats and me worrying if i have to sit with another student besides dinah


a/n: hi this is my first fanfic I'm writing i hope you like it please leave a comment and vote SO sorry for mistakes have a great day bye

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