chapter 6

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Dinah's pov.

          The door front door slammed shut I instantly knew it was camila coming from where she has spent the afternoon at. She speed walked past the living where I was sitting texting with normani and lauren and went into her room. She shut the door but I later heard sobs coming from her room.

        I sighed, stood up and did the same things I do every time I do this. I went to the kitchen prepared she some tea got a bannana and headed to her bedroom. The crying hasn't stopped but this is normal. Entering her room I set down the tea and bannana then sat next to her on the bed I rubbed her back trying to relax her breathing so she could be able to talk to me.

          "it's ok" I mumbled to her over and over again. Her soding went quite and she took a deep breath and started to talk.

          "Why did they have to do that, why couldn't they just be happy. what did we do to them!" She cried out.

          "Camila whatever happened in the past is in the past I know they hurt us badly but what can we do about it were hopeless." I comforted her trying to calm her down. This happens routinely and each time it happens for the same reason. She hasn't gotten over it. I feel bad for it because it was all my fault I should have kept my mouth closed and let her be ready before I said it but it happened.

          "I know bu-" she started but I cut her off.

          " no buts we all know it's my fault. Common just take a nap I'll wake you up for dinner ok?." I said hopping she would take up the offer.

          "Ok" she sighed before hugging me and laying down on the bed closing her eyes.

         I got up and left her room preparing dinner for later. I made her favorite not to mention I kinda burned it but eh were both bad at cooking but I have to suffer through her cooking sometimes as well so I hope she won't mind. I set up the table surved our plates and washed the pans I used for dinner. I checked the clock and saw that 40 min has passed so I decided to go upstairs and tell her it's time for dinner.


          After me and camila Finnished eating we went into the living room and started binge watching some tv shows and talking. After about 2 seasons of oitnb I decided to start a conversation.

          "So camila are you interested in someone this year?" I asked and she glared back at me knowing what I was doing.

         "I know what your trying to get out of me, so I'm not answering." She smirked. "But how's it going with normoni or shall I say the love of your life."

          "Oh shut up we both know you have the hots for Lauren" I fired back.

          "No I don't!"

          "Yeah ok tell me that after the wedding" I said while getting up and walking to my room getting ready to sleep. "Goodnight!" I yelled down the hall entering my room.

          Let's see how tomorrow goes


Sorry for the wait I have been having anxiety with like school and everything so sorry hopefully you enjoyed. :)

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