chapter 2

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Lauren's pov

       Me and normani have been attached to the hip since birth. Our parents were fiends in high school and kept in touch so when they had their fist children which were me and normoni on the same year they would always let us hang out together. It was fun tho it wasn't like they were forcing us to. Growing up we both had many amazing experiences together. Her parents were my parents and mines were hers. We had never done anything bizarre without the each other.

       That was until my dad had a raise and we had to move to California at the end of 8th grade but they promised to move back one day. It sucked in many ways. One because normoni and i will have to be apart and we but that was how we had to test our friend ship and see if we were really friends.we did, we kept in touch for those 3 years we texted every day even if it was a simple hi or goodnight and we FaceTimed multiple times a month. And 2 because i would have to make other fiend.

       It was hard but i went through it i made really close friends like Vero and Lucy. They were great but not like normani. Me and normani told each other every thing for example:

--her teachers. ms. rose, ms. Lovato , ms. Silvia , mr. Sivan, mr. Steve, and mr. mark. and mr. Steve her english teacher sucks and doesn't teach them anything they basically have a free period and barley gives them homework

--her crush dinah looks like Beyonce dinah is tall, carmel, and beautiful [ her words ] and she has a friend that could be my type (a/n; right when i wrote this Beyonce's countdown came up in my music playlist lol)

--dinah and camila live in an apartment. i have no idea how normani knows that

--ally is the name of her only friend she made after me. she's short and loves baking

-- normani's family now has a new puppy

--she sits next to dinah in the classes she has with her

thats about all... thats new

       So here i am in the hallways of Miami high waiting very patently for normoni because she went to the restroom and i told her i would head on. When is was walking towards my locker i caught many people stare at me. I was impressed i normally don't get this much attention but is probably because i was new or another reason is because i am kind of pretty. I mean i know in not ugly but I'm not that beautiful i can at least name 5 people that are more beautiful that me.

       I past a girl that was definitely better that me i could tell people really like her there was a boy allover her flirting . 1 down 4 more

       Normani came back and i added her to the list. of course she is i mean look at her she's like 100000 times hotter that me.

           " hey what class is mr.steve ?" i asked since i haven't really had a tour of this place i have only been to the classes i have been to previously so i have no clue where some places are.

           " oh! you have it now?" she said in a happy tone. i nodded to her answer " we have it together then. dinah's in that class " she exclaimed excitedly. i laughed at her energy

           " is that why your excited or is this the norm" i chuckled

           " I'm always excited to see dinah" she said. i was into the conversation that i didn't see or hear the person next to me open and close her locker. i turned also because i felt someone staring at normani I turned and saw Dinah then smirked. Yup Dinah likes normani but I'll let Dinah tell her that. I would have hated it if someone told the person I have a crush on that I liked them. Although they did it toe once I wouldn't make someone suffer.

       I snapped out of my thoughts when Normani said that dinahs hot AF I laughed I never new Normani had this side to her I mean she did tell me that she liked her and mentioned Dinah's name in every conversation but she never ever expressed over text like she has in the past 4 hours we have been in school for dinah looks hot 3 down 7 to go. I don't know why in doing this but i do this more often than i think. Theres not a day when i don't make little games to distract me. 

           " I wonder if she ever stops looking at you? she doesn't does she?" I asked normani curiously they probably never take there eyes off each other.

           " she never looks at me when I'm looking at her she probably doesn't even know I exists" she sighed sadly.

           " or you maybe overly exists in her fantasy world" i mumbled normoni's so oblivious 

           " what you say" she said not being able to hear me 

           " nothing lets head to class" on our way to our next class normani stopped to talk to this girl i haven't met earlier.

           " Hey normani " the short dirty Blond girl said . she glanced and me and smiled. and she is now added to my 'she looks hotter that me club' she looked good but not my type she also looked straight I'm good at telling weather their straight or not by the way they talk and their body language. sometimes I'm wrong tho. " is this your friend you have been talking about" she said a little to joyful but i didn't mind.

           " yup she's in our english" normoni said with a smile. " Ally this is Lauren. Lauren this is Ally" 

           " nice to meet you I've heard lots about you" i said politely not trying to freak her out,

           "Good things i hope, normani likes to go the extreme" 

          " yeah she dose with all the texting we do she tells me a lot" i nodded " well look on the bright side now i know where dinah lives" i joked.

           " you know that too? I thought I was the only one that was going to suffer through this" she laughed she leaned into me with one hand curved  around her mouth so only i can hear " i think normoni has an obsession with dinah" making it audible for normani to hear. 

           " I don't have an obsession with her!" normani practically yelled "... i just admire her she softened her tone of voice. 

          " yeah whatever lets you sleep at night" in whispered 

          " you know what lets just go to our class" normani whined.

       we nodded and dropped ally at her class which was a few doors down from our class. after that we entered Mr. steve's advisory everyone was to the side so we also stood the side. just as he bell rang dinah and a smaller figure walked in normoni nudged me and i looked up and saw a beautiful girl .

      Damn #5 found 

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