chapter 4

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Lauren pov.

The school day ended and normani sent me a text telling me to meet her at her locker. The locker wasn't far from mine so I dropped of my books there and went to her locker.

Once I got there I saw Dinah talking to her so I waited patiently behind normani but didn't hear what they were saying because I didn't want to be a snoop.

They finished up their conversation and Dinah turned around towards camila witch I didn't notice was standing there I didn't have the chance to say anything to her because normani turned to me and started talking.

"So my mom wants to see you and she told me to invite you over to our house, I can give you a ride you just have to tell your parents that your coming over."

"Ok cool I'll text my mom. Till what time" I asked

"um 9" she said and I nodded pulling out my phone and texting my mom I won't be able to get home till later. My mom responded with a simple ok and take care.

" my moms ok with it" I said and we started heading to normanis car

(At normanis Casa)

When I walked into Normanis house I felt nervous since I haven't seen her family in a long time and I felt like I had to build up that close relationship I had with them again but the worries faded once Norman's mom came in the living room from the kitchen and enhanced me in a tight warm hug.

"wow! you've grown so much,look at you! you look so amazing and look very mature. wow time flies." the older women complemented me as we separated from the hug. "And have you been working out?!"

"i mean i did do softball for a couple years and maybe they have payed off" i laughed trying to play it simple and not sound like a teenager that is failing life at every moment.

"well you sure look great" she again complimented me. "so why don't you and normani head up to her room to catch up while i finish up dinner?" she suggested and we nodded and headed up stairs.

we entered her room and flopped on her bed and we starred at the celling for a couple of minutes until normani interrupted the silence.

"so how'd you like it"she asked i turned to her and raised a eyebrow meaning to teller too expand her explanation "as in how was your first day of school" she said in duh tone.

"it was great"i said trying not to spill the truth of how i actually feel not about the school but about the brown eyed girl i grew fond of.

"sure, common tell me how you feel. i saw how you look at camila with them heart eyes" normani wiggled her eye brows and nudged my shoulder.

"and i saw the way you looked at dinah the whole fucken day and when you guys were flirting at your locker" i shot back and she blushed and hurried to explain.

"god, that was nothing" she waved me off trying to play it cool .

"was it real" i said.

"No! she asked me if i wanted to hang out some time and i was like freaking out inside but i tried to pay it off, but then i panicked for an answer and asked if you could come along with camila as like a double date and she said yes so you are coming with me to the movies this saturday" she squealed happily.

"wait. what. you didn't even ask me, omg i need to prepare. shit! no way omg moni but oh god thank you!" i panicked but Normani looked proud of herself.

"its no probl-" she got cut off by her mom

"girls dinners ready!"

we rushed down the stairs and went into the kitchen to see the amazing dished normanis mom prepared that smelled delicious. we sat down in the chairs around the dining table and we all healed hands to pray for the food as we always did every time i went over to their house when i was younger. as i bit in i moaned and the amazing taste touched my taste buds.

"wow its still as good like them good old days" i said

"of course it is. so lauren how was today?" andrea asked

"It was cool I got to see how Miami high schools work and it's different from California and I kinda got lost about 3-4 times today." I laughed "but yeah it was great" I extended

"So in guessing you have heard of dinah" normani's sister jumped into the conversation. I laughed and nodded.

"shush don't get her started, all I heard today was 'Dinah, Dinah, Dinah blablabla' but I could of gotten worse" I said.

"I don't always talk about Dinah do I? Wait no I don't, right mom" normani turned to her mom but her mom didn't answer and Andrea continued eating her food.

"SEE! even your mom agrees with us" I said " normani just admit you have a crazy obsession with Dinah."

"No I'm not going to admit I do because I don't." Normani argued even tho we all know the truth.

Dinner went of with bickering between all of us untill it came to a Finnish and I had to go home but I was content with this new chapter of my life.


Sorry that I haven't been updating but hoped you enjoy lol

HAVE A great rest of the day, good morning, or goodnight bitches

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