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Isabella's pov

OMG.....He felt my flipping nipples I knew it...I knew the world would find some way to f*ck my life up.l am getting ready for the game that I will be literally dragged into If I don't and I quote "hurry my gorgeous ass up..." Guess who said that....Felix you say well I'd you did...ding ding ding you are the winner.
Knock knock....
Speak of the devil...
I opened the door and there stood Felix standing in all his glory...a vest that was cut low under the arms so you could see his oh so god like body. With that some black sweats that ride low on his hips and black converse high tops and to top it off an amazing beanie...damn him and his looks.
"Are you done yet."he asked as if I have taken billions of years...
"Do i look done to you,"I shot him a pointed look but he just looked me up and down and something about the way he did cause I felt a cold shiver climb my spine. I was wearing black mini shorts with an American flag crop top with black vans. My golden hair loose and wavy like perfection.
My make up consisted of nude lip and shadowy eyes with long lashes.I have to say I look about average.
"You look really sexy..."Felix growled. Well that was sudden and I sure showed my shock by choking on the air around us. Felix was there laughing and rubbing my back in a soft...soothing...amaz...I mean his an ass who is laughing at me for choking...snap out of it.
He looks sexy to though ...
"Thanks gorgeous."he smirked.
Tel me i Did not say that out loud.
"Oh but you did babe.."he laughed.FML."Well you look about as sexy as a frog...yeah a frog..."I attempted a cover up but seriously a fricken frog.
"Maybe if you kiss me I will turn into a even more sexy asses prince."he smirked."who sais your ass was sexy."I demanded.
He smile and he said " you silly billy" Wow what is he offense to cute five year old. "Actually I said you were sexy not that you had a sexy ass even if I was thinking you have a sexy ass...I!t" started blushing hard."Oh so you admitted that you thought I was sexy plus a bonus I have a sex ass too that you think leat u now have a truth for you during the game,speaking of which we need that get going I kinda told the guys I was gonna find you and give you a quicky", he rambled and laughed.
"Screw you." I glared."Would you really could you screw me right now it would be an honor."he started unbuckling his with that I exited the room looking like a cherry with extra sun burn. Yea I blush hard...
"I wonder what else you can do hard." A voice to fimiliar spoke up next to me and for goodness sakes can't I think alone for you once." Wouldn't you like to know Felix," u deadpaned "Well that's why I asked but if you don't like talking how about you show me," he wriggled his eyebrows at me. I will show him hard then with that l slapped him through the face...hard...and stormed of to the bonfire down by the lake.
When I got there the warm heat kissed my cheeks which were cooled by the night air and all the boys were lounging about on the logs around the fire. Then GDWAHHH..."Mother fuck!ng fuçker...sweet mother of pearl...son of a ...." I cussed my ass was burning. Some on slapped me and cut of my colourful words by covering my mouth. "Tsk tsk bella I didn't know you had such a potty mouth but I always knew you had a soft plump ass...we were 12 weren't we and it was a cool night quite like this when...."I cut him off." Can we just fuçking play please before I lose my fricken shít and dignity."U sighed my hand still over Felix's mouth and then that mother fucker licked my hand.


We all sitting playing truth or dare and some of us have looked better for instance.
I now have cooties all over my hand yes I am still a cootie believer. Felix has a swollen tounge and the boys well let's just say most of them have sore stomachs from a) me punching them or b) laugh so hard I am sure they popped an f-ing liver.
"Truth or dare princess," Felix spoke but I didn't pick."Bella it's your turn,"said Jace slyly." Oh I thought he was asking you princess",I retorted. "Can you just pick please...."said river who was still recovering from the heated make out session with Jace...yea process that for a little. What to choose if I pick truth he will force me to tell the truth and if I choose dare he is gonna give me something gross to do. "", I was cut of "say um one more time and I will hurt you" shouted Jake. Geesh rude much.
And then I chose my fate.
"Dare..."I grumbled. I couldn't let them know I am not ready yet...Felix smirked while the boys whooped."I dare you kiss me baby..." he said in a cheesy totally chlicè way. I nearly laughed but instead got up and walked over to him sexily he looked stunned but he didn't know what I was planning. I got to him straddle his waste and purred. Then u ran my fingers up and down his bare chest from our late night skinny dipping session (yay me I was the only girl * note sarcasm)and slowly ran my fingers through his dark locks. The boys were whooping,whistling and nd howling and I could tell he loved it judging by his buddy down there.... then all of a sudden I grabbed his cheek and kissed it got up and enjoyed my victory. The boys laughed except poor flustered and sexually frustrated Felix.


Damn Daniel or should I say Bella.
Till next time

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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