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In the world of Exostania, there are 12 gods who are undiscovered and still, helps people secretly.

The leader of the gods is Jun, the god of the waters. He is in charge of the water people drink, use to take a bath, and so on. When he becomes angry, he limits the water he gives to the people on the Earth. That's why sometimes there is a shortage of clean water. He often gets help from Kenneth, the god of heat. His shade is color dark blue.

Kenneth, as we have said, is the god of heat. The heat of every big star like the sun is his strength, and sometimes uses them to evaporate the water in the oceans and fresh waters, resulting to its shortage. His shade is color orange.

Next is Chris, the god of heights. He is in charge of the sky, the high mountains, the tall towers and the deep seas. When his day is good, the mountains become lower and the seas becomes shallow. When he is angry, mountains become higher and steeper and seas become deeper, causing accidents on adventurers. His shade is color gray.

The next god, named Young, has the power of light. He's with Kenneth in doing some tasks. For example, to give heat to people who are so cold, they use fire. When there is darkness, Young shares his power to people. He sometimes provides flashlights, makes candles and secretly gives it to them-just putting it somewhere in the person's house, and the person will find it. His shade is color yellow.

Dominique, who takes care of the earth-not literally the earth, but the land, helps people especially farmers by giving them healthy soil. When he is angry, he turns the soil acidic or basic-one of those two choices which will make the plants die immediately. His shade is color green.

Kim, the god of frost-he's a man, okay? He does his duty on very hot places. When he is very happy, he even makes snows on countries that will never have it. But when he is angry, he just let the people burn from Kenneth's anger. His shade is color sky blue.

Another god is Hanz, the god of telekinesis-the ability to move objects, is with Chris in performing some activities. When he is angry, he rolls a big stone on a mountain and throws it to a place where there are people who disobeys some rules. Maybe not his rule, but still, they disobeyed. When he is jolly, he plays with the clouds. He may lower the clouds so that people may reach it-but never a time in his life he made it. He makes some statements on the clouds, just to say to the people how he feels. His shade is color black.

Huang, the god of time, is the god with the most unused power. Not because his power is limited, but because of lessons and plans. Lessons, so that people learn from their decisions, and plans to make for the future. He doesn't just help the people by bringing back time or making time fast. People might think that the world is weird, or people might not learn from the wrong decisions they have made. His shade is color peach.

Oh, is the god of the wind. Yes, he is powerful. He is in charge of the air that surrounds an area. He protects people from the wind that carries sickness, so that people will be safe. He is the only god who protects people from danger. His shade is color white.

Jake is the god of lightning. This god is always mad, he doesn't know what's the good one in every decision that he makes (Huang cannot help him in this situation, although he's a god). The other gods get help from him when they are mad. He oftentimes collaborate with Jun to make the strongest storms. He is sometimes with Dominique in performing earthquakes. His shade is color purple.

Lee is the god of healing. People with sickness, physical-cough, cold, flu, etc. Or emotional-the rejected, the unloved, etc. Is his weakness, that's why he provides unseen healing for them. He cures or lessens the pain they have, so that the people will stay happy. His shade is color red.

The last god, Key, is the god of teleportation. That means he can go anywhere he wants. He also has the ability to duplicate a human being, to be an animal, or to be an object on earth.


He is only made for a woman. Specifically, Nathalie.

His power is only made for Nathalie, so that she can see him and she can say to the gods what she wants. He is also the 'messenger' of the gods. His shade is color brown.

Nathalie Hermonds, on the other hand, is a smart girl but, lazy. She's very lucky to have this ability-the ability to talk to the gods and the ability to see them, in her world, the earth. She had never been taken to Exostania, the world of the gods. Never did she knew that the world the gods live is out if the galaxy where she is-the Milky Way Galaxy.

One day, Jun invited her to their world. And when she went there, she recieved a bad news.

Can this be prevented?

Can love handle this?

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