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Today is Sunday, and I'm expecting Key to come. What? Did I just said Key? I have no respect anymore. Haha.

But, that's what he said, so that's alright.

I woke up earlier than the usual. Maybe because I'm excited too even at the same time I'm afraid? Sorry, I'm crazy.

"Where's Key?" I asked myself. "I thought he's excited? Why didn't he come now?"

I sighed. I suddenly remembered that they have no tomorrows there. They don't know what time it is.

And, someone pat my back.

"Key?" I said, but...

"You're too early. What type of miracle is this?"

"Mom," I was ashamed of what I said. Omg. "I'll go to a friend's house. We will review."

"5:30 am? You're too early for your classmate's house."

"Y-yes mom. She's awake at this time." I wore my doll shoes. "Bye mom!" I kissed her left cheek with her face, still curious.

I left the house, going nowhere. Maybe I'll just wait for Key here? Here at the dark road. Ugh.

I sat on one of the benches I saw and listened to music.

"Who's with you?" I unplugged my earphones because someone asked. He's a boy.

Wait, no. They are boys, rather.

"No one. Maybe later he's here now."

"Won't you mind coming with us?" One of them touched my face.

"Don't touch me." I said, wiping off his hand on my cheek. This is not good. "I don't now you so don't just do that to me."

"Just come with us," another boy said. He pulled me from where I am sitting.

"What the hell do you guys want from me?!"


"Her what?!" A man punched him. "Her what?! Answer me!"

Gosh, this man is terrifying. He's very angry.

"Run!" The boys ran.

Who's this? He's still not looking back.

I bowed three times and gave thanks, "Thank you very much, thank you!" I grabbed his right hand and shook it with mine.

Until he looked at me, with his face smiling at the same time, relieved? I don't know.

"K-key? Thank you and you came!" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Thanks and you're okay."

"So, can we go now?" I asked him. He nodded as an answer.

"Get ready. Hold my hand." He laid his hand, and I held it, tightly. "In three..."


Together we said, "One!" And He commanded me to jump, so I jumped and...

Everything went black.


"Where are we?" I turned my head from right to left and examined the place. Is this now their, world?

"We're now here. In our world. Exostania." He smiled while answering me.


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