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"How is she doing?" Jun asked Key. Key went back to Exostania after they had fun with Nathalie at the park.

"She's fine."

"I really miss that girl, very much." Said Young.

"Me too, and I haven't helped her yet." Dominique said while making a new kind of a plant.

"That's alright." Key answered.

"No!" All of the gods were shocked because of Huang's shout.

"This can't be! No!"

"What's your problem, Huang?" Chris said.

"Can you go here? Except for Key." His shocked face was changed into a sad face.

'What's happening?' Key wondered.

"Stay there, Key." Oh said and went to Huang. The other gods also went to him.

"What's the problem?" Jun asked Huang. Huang was almost crying.

"Tell us what's the problem." Chris went nearer to Huang.

"We will never be complete again." He wiped his own tears.

"What do you mean?" They became curious.

"A god will die at any moment." Everyone was shocked on what Huang said.

"But gods have an eternal life." Young scratched his head.

"It's the future!" Huang cried again. Chris hugged him for comfort. Lee, who has the ability to comfort and heal, can't do that because...

Gods cannot help their fellow gods.

"D-do you know who will die?" Asked Jun. He was also sad.

"And after he dies, we will no longer have a communication with Nathalie." They became shocked again.

Hanz asked, "Is it...."

"Key?" They all said.

And as an answer, he slowly, nodded.

"H-how can we prevent this? When will he die?" Jun again asked him. "He will never die!!"

"But we can only follow the future. We, gods, cannot change it."

"Then let Nathalie do the thing!" Oh suggested. Everyone was delighted after they cried. Crazy, tho.

"Yes, she can do the thing."-Kim

"But, how can we say it to Nathalie if Key is the way to communicate with her?"


"What if we invite her here?" Dominique suggested.

"That's a nice one." Lee answered Dominique.

"Before Key knows this, Nathalie must make it here. This place is very far from theirs. Will she agree?" Jun doubted.

"We're helping her, she must, even at this time only because we need her help."-Kenneth

"Are you done?" Huang wiped his tears and everyone faced Key.

"I have something to ask you."

"What is it, Jun?"

"If possible... Can you bring Nathalie here?"

"Here? As in here?" He paused, "I wonder if she agrees." He laughed.

The Twelve Shades of The Sky #JustWriteIt #EarthLoveWhere stories live. Discover now