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"Wait! Five minutes!"

"Get up! You're too late for your first class!"

"I don't care! It's boring! I don't want to waste my time there!"

"Then get up and do these tasks!"

"I have my classes Ma, I'll go to school!"

I stood up from my bed. It's better to go to school than to stay here in the house, sweeping the floor and wiping the dust. Err.

I ate my breakfast, took a bath and wore my uniform.

"Bye Ma!" I waved and ran to the school. It's just a distance away from the house.


"Ms. Nathalie Hermonds. Why are you late again?" Said Ma'am Willis, our second subject teacher.

"I'm lazy." That's my line whenever I am asked why am I late.

The teacher ignored me. Good thing.

I threw my bag on my chair. I fixed my skirt and when I am ready to sit, "Ouch!"

Ugh. My butt.

"HAHAHA!" My classmates laughed. The person at my back pulled my chair so that I'll fall to the floor!

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